Chapter 13

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Hey guys this is just a cute little chapter, not the male in this chapter may turn up later, I'm not sure yet.. keep a watch out ;) 

remember if any of this brings up feeling or you just need to talk, there are people to talk to, please call your local lifeline or hotline. 

Authors POV

The mother and daughter walked down stairs. Abby raced ahead to Chris, who was sitting at the bench while Melissa said good morning to Celia and Charles.


"Chris Did you want to come to the movies with me and mummy," Abby asked Chris, who poured her cereal.

"Don't you want to spend time with your mummy?" He questioned Abby.

"But I want your to come too," she whines.

"How about this? Go out with your mum and I might meet you after," Chris tells her.

She jumped off the chair, causing it to tip. Chris caught it before it could hit the ground. Abby raced off over to her mum. "Mummy after we go to the movies can we meet Chris for a treat?" She asked her mum excited.

Melissa looked up at Chris who smiled and nodded. "Come on, let's go speak to him." Melissa tells her daughter taking her by the hand and walking over to Chris.

"Abby asked you if you wanted to come?" Melissa asked Chris, nodding his head he smiled "I suggested that I met you after so you could have some girl time and maybe we could go have some ice-cream," he told me whispering the word 'ice cream'.

I nodded, smiling my head. "At least let me help pay for a snack for the movies" Chris spoke louder so happy could hear. "Pop Corn" she spoke happily.

"Ok," Melissa said with a smile on her face. "Do you guys have water bottles?" Melissa asked.

"I'll pay for the water too," Chris told her.

"Thank you," Melissa replied. Chris smiled back, helping Abby back on the chair so she could eat her breakfast while Melissa got her breakfast.

The three ate breakfast together. "So what do you want to go see" Chris asked. "Spies in disguise," Abby said with a smile. Melissa looked at her daughter, surprised.

"Ok, then looks like we will see surprise in disguise," Melisa spoke happily as they ate breakfast.

After breakfast Abby went upstairs while Melissa helped Chris clean up breakfast.

"Darling go to the movies with your daughter," Celia told Melissa. She smiled as she walked upstairs with Chris.

"Hey, Ab, can you go get your coat and if you want to bring a bag, you can," Melissa asked Abby so here and Chris could talk.

Chris closed the door behind him, walking up to Melissa, who turned away from him. He wrapped his arms around her, jumping a little she turns around holding her for arms to her chest.

"Hi," she says with a smile, "Hi" Chris whispers kissing his secret girlfriend on the lips. Smiling into each other kiss. Pulling apart and smiling at each other.

He stepped back, digging into his back pocket.

"Here" Chris started pulling out his wallet. "Chris, no, please if you want to meet us you can but the ice cream," Melissa tells Chris. Shaking his head, he pulls out a $20 bill. "Chris put it back," Melissa tells him, stuffing it in her hand.

"Take it please, popcorn and water, make chocolate" Chris spoke to Melissa as she placed her head down his hard chest. "Fine" she whined, stuffing it in her back pocket.

"Good, now, can I have another kiss because I won't get one till tonight" Chris spoke with a sad face, pouting Melissa gave him a lingering kiss.

"Thank you, now go have a good day with your daughter, and I will see you later. Text me what time the movie finishes, and I'll meet you at the theatre." He tells Melissa.

"Thank you. I was wondering if you could drop us off or I could borrow the car?" Melissa questioned.

"I can drive you. Let me just get everything that I need." Chris replied with a smile.

Melissa and her daughter went off to the movies, Chris driving them to the theatre telling them they would meet them outside to go have some lunch and ice-cream.

The two girls walked into the theatre with Abby very excited wanting to run to get into line trying to pull her mother along who wouldn't budge.

When they finally got to the counter Abby spoke excited that she would see 'spies in disguise' and that she wanted popcorn.

"Abby manners, please, " Melissa speaks. "I'm so sorry, we hardly do this so it's a special treat," Melissa tells the young male standing behind the counter.

"It's ok, my son is the same," he replies with a smile. "How much is one of the special drink and popcorn containers?" Melissa questioned "All together with the two tickets $27 for a small, $28 for a medium and 30 for a large," the young male replied.

"Wow ok, Can I please get a large one filled with spite, with two draws and a medium popcorn?" Melissa asked.

The young male smiled "So that would be $28 for the medium," the male replied. Abby looked at her mother worried, "Mummy it's too much" Abby replied upset.

"It's ok, daddy Chris gave you some money" Melissa replied, Abby smiled jumping up and down. 

"Thank you," Melissa replied with a smile. The male behind the counter handed her the tickets and grabbed their drink and popcorn.

"All right, baby, do you need to go to the bathroom, because I do," Melissa told her daughter standing in front of the restroom.

Abby nodded, mother and daughter walked into the restroom going to the family stall so they could both go at the same time. Melissa would never let her daughter go into the stall or restroom by herself.

Melissa placed the popcorn and drink on the floor, helping her daughter go tinkle. Once she finished, Melissa told her daughter to stand against the wall while she went.

Once they finished doing their business, Melissa helped Abby wash her hands so she could do hers while the popcorn where on the small vanity shelf.

"Ok baby lets go watch the movie," Melissa spoke to her daughter smiling, "Get the door for me please baby, my hands are full," Melissa tells her daughter.

The two watched the movie 'spice in disguise' for Melissa it was quiet boring however to see her daughter happy and laughing it made her day.

After the short movie; For Melissa, the two girls headed outside the theatre, seeing Chris standing there in jeans and a white top showing off his muscular arms. Smiling, Melissa waved as Abby became very excited. 

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