Chapter 11

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Hey, guys, this is more of a filler chapter, 

if this triggers anything for you please call your local hotline or lifeline, these people are hear to listen. 

Authors POV

When it hit 3 pm, they headed home as Mrs Wood needed to collect her husband, which meant Melissa needed to well mother her daughter.

While Mrs Wood was collecting Mr Wood senior the three Chris, Melissa and Abby sat and watched a movie, distracting Abby. Chris sneakily put his arm around Melissa as she leaned back into his chest, Abby too distracted by the movie Moana to realise that her wish of having Chris as her father was coming true.

The two smiled as Abby sung the final song to Moana, as Abby looked around Chris quickly pulled his arm away.

"Hey, Abby, how about we make Gramps something for when he gets home?" Melissa suggested. "Yeah, daddy what does Gramps like to eat?" She said excited not realising what she said until her mum looked at her and Chris was quiet.

Abby ran upstairs in tears. "It's ok, just get everything read she will come down," Melissa spoke confidently. "Ok," Chris replied, giving her a peck on the cheek.

Melissa smiled as she walked up to see if her daughter was okay, as Chris prepared one if his dad's favourite dinners.

Melissa's POV

I walked up to Abby's room; She wasn't there, so I went into my room hoping she would be in there, thankfully she was and she was in tears.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked her sitting on the edge on my bed so I could get close to her.

"I called Chris daddy," she whimpered. Sighing, I climbed onto the bed and held her.

"You know I'm sure Chris won't mind," I whispered to my daughter, kissing her forehead. She looked up at me as I wiped away my tears, "I know it's hard with whom your dad is, so if you want to call him that, I will talk to him ok." I explained to my daughter.

She nodded her head, as I pushed Abby's hair from her face. "Let's clean you up, and go back down to Chris and make something for gramps," I tell her smiling as Abby smiles back at me.

Once Abby cleaned herself up, with the help of me, we walked downstairs to see Chris sitting on the couch. "Why don't you sit at the bench while I get Chris" I whisper to Abby as I sit her down on the ground.

I walk over to Chris and sit on the couch next to him. "Is she ok?" He asked me, nodding I smiled. "I said I would ask you if it was ok if she calls you daddy. If it's not, I will speak to her." I explained to Chris.

I watched his face lit up. "I would be more than happy. Does that mean we can sleep in the same bed, like officially without me having to sneak around?" Chris asked me with a cheeky grin.

"Maybe, I don't want to get her hopes up," I explain to Chris who nodded. "I understand, but can we just sleep in the same bed tonight, please," he begged. I giggled at his deep blue eyes. I slapped him on his shoulder.

"Ok sneak in again and well when your dad is better during the week we can make it more official." I tell him smirking

"Oh, ok I can't wait, so should we get my dad's dinner ready?" He asked me as we heard Abby wining.

For the next half an hour we made dinner so Cathrine doesn't have to worry about making everyone dinner. I felt so comfortable cooking with Chris and Abby; he was so gentle with her.

Once we finished prepping dinner, I got Abby cleaned up and changed into her PJ's; I sat Abby on her bed as I went to get her PJs, when I turn around and jumped off the bed and went to run and fell on her butt by Chris walking into the room.

He picked Abby up and helped me get her dressed, "Thank you" I mouth he smiled back at me. "Mum is home with a dad, they are both on the couch," he told me.

"Ok, is he ok?" I ask Chris, who nodded "yeah he's still medicated, they said he was fine and talking to all the nurses," he told me. Nodding finishing getting Abby dressed.

"Ok Baby Gramps is downstairs. We need to be careful ok," I tell my daughter. Who nod jumping off the bed. Racing downstairs, "Abigail Marie don't run." I yell out after her, Chris and I walk after her.

"Well, hello Abby" he spoke with open arms, Abby ran up to him and jumped into his arms, he didn't flinch when she jumped on him. "Abby baby please don't jump on him," I tell her with a sigh.

"It's ok Melissa darling, come here" he replied to me wanting to give me a hug. I walked up to him giving him a hug, as did Chris treating his dad with ease.

"I heard that I am getting a special dinner, Melissa you didn't have to," he replied knowing Abby helped.

"It wasn't mummy silly, it was me," Abby said with a cheeky grin.

"Oh well thank you Abby," he replied. Abby sat down next to him Chris and I sat on different chairs, not wanting to give his parents any ideas.

"So what did you get up to, Cath told me she spent the day with Abby, Did you to something together?" He asked Chris and I making me blush though I tried to hid it as best as I could.

"I took her out for lunch so she wouldn't be alone, and we talked business." Chris explained. "So, when you take a lady as fine as Melissa you don't talk business you get to know here. See if I was your I would get to know everything about here so one day I could take her out on a very special date," He told Chris making me giggle.

Chris looked at me smirking, "Yes father, next time I take her out I will need to add more chivalry which you taught me all about," Chris tells his dad with a smile. "Good," he replied "Chris honey, do you want me to do the rest of dinner while you spend time with your dad?" Cathrine asks her son. "It's ok I can do it Mrs Wood," I speak up, smiling getting off the couch and walking into the kitchen.

"Thank you," she replies and follows me into the kitchen. When we reach the kitchen she smiled at me, "Where did he take you?" She asked me. "Sorry?" I questioned.

"Where did my baby boy treat you to, when you went out, was he a gentleman?" She asked me. "H-How did you know," I asked.

"A mothers instinct plus the way he looks at you, and you look at him." She told me. I blushed "I haven't seen him this invested in a woman ever." She told me as I looked at her.

"your changing him. I just hope he doesn't reach his father's leave with his mental health." She explained frowning I looked at her, "You don't have to worry, please stay around," she begged, nodded we continued to cook dinner and watch over the men and Abby.


That night after dinner I put Abby to bed, and spent a good hour with Chris and his parents, I definitely learnt more about him and his sister, his father wanted him to do business management but he wanted to to performing arts so he did both.

When talk died down, I headed upstairs. As I was getting change, I heard a knock at the door, "I finally get to see you, half naked," Chris spoke through the door. 

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