Chapter 5

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Hey, friends :) hope you are all well, here is another chapter, as I have said before if any of this brings up emotions please contact your local lifeline or kids helpline, or talk to a friend here we all want to help and support each other in tough times. 

Authors POV

The next day Melissa was away eating breakfast, going through her phone the Chris left for her.

"Melissa, so we will allow you to go home. Is there anyone to go home with or to?" Melissa morning nurse asks. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Ok is your daughter coming in with Mr. Wood I will ask him," her nurse told Melissa, who nodded. "Do you need any of your pain medication?" The nurse called Chloe ask. Melissa nodded.

"Ok, Well, I will get your breakfast in and will give them to you once you have finished eating. Do you feel up for having a bird bath before we change your dressings?" Chloe asked Melissa. "Yes, please." Melissa replied with a smile.

"Ok well, let's get you fed and medicated as it will be very sore and trying." Chloe responds.


After they ordered breakfast to come into Melissa room early with her medication. Eating it slowly as it wasn't what she was used to Melissa kept it down, along with the medication.

Chloe gave Melissa a much-needed bird bath that was more painful than she thought it would be.

"Ok, I need to get another nurse into help me with the bandages and I think there is someone here to see you," Chloe told Melissa as the mother saw a bouncing girl out of the corner of her eye.

Melissa chuckled. "She adores you. I was speaking to her while you were having your breakfast," Chloe told Melissa. "Your boss who's taking care for her is very cute. Do you know if he is single?" Chloe asked. Melissa shook her head as a hint of jealousy crept up to her heart. Once bandages where changed Chloe allowed Melissa's daughter and Chris into the room, handing him her number on a piece of paper with 'call me'

Chris looked at the piece of paper and shoved it in his pocket. "I heard that you can home today?" Chris asked Melissa, who nodded. "Mummy's coming how today," Abby said with excitement, then realising that she won't be with Chris anymore. "I won't see Chris anymore?" She mumbled almost in tears.

Melissa sighed. "Baby, we will go to be staying with Chris because we need to find a safer place." Melissa told her daughter. "Really?" she questioned. "Yeah, tomorrow we need to collect all of our things." Melissa told Abby. "Ok," Abby replied with a smile getting up and jumping into Chris's arms.

"So the nurse told me you can go home. We can get you settled or head over to your place first to get some clothes?" Chris asked Melissa. "Thank you, that would be great, thank you, " Melissa told Chris. "No worries. Do I need help discharged?" Chris asked Melissa.

They both smiled with Abby in Chris's arms. "All right, well Abby let mum get dressed." Chris told Abby. "Ok" Abby replied.

Once Melissa dressed herself with a little help from female nurses and discharged, the three that looked like a family walked out of the hospitable. "Thanking you for taking us back to the apartment so I could bet a few things" Melissa told Chris looking at from the passenger side of the car.

"No worries. So I need to tell you something. I don't live alone. I live with my parents," Chris explained. Melissa looked at him. "That's ok," Melissa shrugged. "Your not bothered?" He questioned?

"No, why would I be?" Melissa wondered. "Well, I'm a billionaire's son." He questioned. "And?" she questioned back.

"I just thought it would be a little tacky, you know with the reputation seen with many girls each week?" He asked, looking at her taking his eyes off the road for a minute.

Melissa laughed looking at him. From the passenger's side. "Do you really think, me a young woman with a three-year-old child would care something about that?" She asked him cocking an eyebrow.

"Well, I just wanted you to know," he told Melissa. "OK," she replied, confused. "I became pregnant at 17 do you really think I would judge a book by is cover when I get judged for been a teen mum?" She questioned Chris.

"Im sorry" her replied, looking back at the road. The drive to Melissa's apartment was quiet for the rest of the way there.

"I will be right back," Melissa replied, getting out of the car. "I am coming up with you. I don't want you going up there alone,"Chris stated.

Melissa sighed. "Fine." The two adults and Abby walked up to Melissa apartment. When they walked into her apartment, bloodstains on the floor, though the glass had being cleaned up.

"Crap" Melissa said walking past the destroyed kitchen and living area, cabinets and bench tops had being broken. Melissa sighed as she walked to pack clothes there were in Abby's room. "What?" Chris asked looking around. Melissa peaked her head out of the room. "This will cost so much to fix once I leave," Melissa replied.

"I'll talk to your landlord," Chris stated. "I'm not a charity case Chris, thank you though," Melissa replied with a smile.

"I know you aren't I know your landlord He's one of my friends. We went to boarding school together," Chris explained to Melissa.

"Plus, my mum stayed here when he came, which is why he gave you an extra month, rent free," Chris replied. Melissa nodded and went back to packing what she and her daughter needed for the next couple of days.


Melissa was packing clothes in the closet while Abby was playing on her tablet on the bed they would share for a few nights till according to Mrs Wood she insisted on getting Melissa her own room. Mr Wood senior needed to move things around.

"Hey," Chris said at the door. "Hi," Melissa replied with a smile. "I am going out with the nurse Chloe tonight. Mum is making dinner," Chris told Melissa.

"Ok, have fun." Melissa said with a shy smile hurt that he was going out with that nurse. Melissa had the pleasure of having her talk about her ex Boyfriend, who had been sleeping around with her best friend. Not something a professional nurse should talk to their patients about.

"Bye Abby" He looked at Abby. "Where are you going?" She asked: "I'm going out." he told Abby. "With Mummy?" She asked. "No, sorry" he replied and walked out the room.

"He liked you mummy and I know that you would like him, he's your type," Abby said nodding her head.

"Oh my type, and what's that?" She asked sitting on the bed.

"Chris, a rough beard, dark hair tall, and rich," Abby said giggling.

Melissa chuckled as she lay on the bed with her daughter. "I think he's cute too baby girl, but sometimes things don't work out like that, it would have to be a fairytale" Melissa told her daughter.

Abby's POV

Mummy told me she like's Chris. I like him to. So I will do everything I can to get them together.

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