Chapter 20

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Hey guys with all these uncertine times I have found it hard to sit and write, but I am trying to sit and write chapters as well as edit this week, there may be a bonus chapter during the week ;) enjoy

Melissa POV.

I feel two people move in my bed, a giggling little girl now jumping on my bed while Chris groggily moans. "Can we have a sleepover tonight?" Baby questions.

"Maybe baby, be good for the rest of the day" I say still with my eyes closed, Abby jumps on me, "God Abby that hurt" I tell her now with my eyes open.

She looks at me with hurt eyes. "Sorry" she speaks softly, I sit up leaving a sleeping Chris in bed.

"It's ok, come on, how about we leave Chris?" I told Abby as I slipped out of bed, taking her with me.

Abby and I sat downstairs watching Netflix on Chris's account. "How was the fair?" Cathrine asked, walking into the living room.

"Good, Chris brought me a stuffed large puppy" Abby told Cathrine showing her teeth and pink rose cheeks. "Well, that was nice of him." Cathrine smiled.

"Where is he?" Cathrine asked, looking around, "He is taking a nap. I think today took a lot out of him." I chuckled. "Can I get you something?" She asked Melissa and Abby.

"A water, for the both of us" I told Cathrine. Cathrine smiled and went to retrieve water for both Abby and I.

Cathrine sat down with Abby and I, watching one of Abby's favourite shows PJ Masks. "So how was last night?" Cathrine asked me. Abby continued to watch TV while we talked quietly.

I blushed thinking about last night. "Nice, we ordered room service, and continued to get to know each other." I told her going a deep shade of red.

"Um can I ask you something?" I questioned changing the subject.

"Sure." Cathrine replied, looking over at me.

"Chris told me he has his own place, Why doesn't he live there?" I asked Cathrine. She sighed, squeezing her hand I smiled hoping it would comfort her.

"Two years ago, Charles had an episode like it did a few weeks ago" She started.

"Chris wanted to come stay so I wouldn't have to face this alone, and he's been afraid to leave, so he rented his place out." Cathrine told me a story I didn't know. It was one of his mental health episode, prior to the one he had a few weeks ago.

She coughed, "Hey, weren't we meant to meet you down at the park for dinner?" She changed the subject.

"Yes, but this one wasn't listening, so we brought her back for a nap, but we can all go back down for dinner." I suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea." Cathrine smiled.


Twilight came, so we all packed a bag with a rug, a few drinks for the adults, and jackets for when it gets cold. We piled into Chris' car where him and I sat in the front while Cathrine and Charles sat in the back keeping Abby entertained while we headed 5 minutes down the road to the fair that was bustling with families for the evening.

When we arrived back at the park, Abby wanted to run off and play more games. "We can take her to play some games, you and Chris find a spot and get us some dinner, we will have anything." Cathrine told Chris and I, smiling it was nice that we could have some time alone together.

"Thank you, and we will, Abby what did you want?" I asked my daughter, "Chips" she replied smiling. Melissa looked at her daughter, "It's ok I saw a health truck, I am sure she will like the food they have." Chris whispered into my ear.

Chris took my hand as we walked to find a place large enough for all of us to sit. When we found our spot, I went to get our dinner, but Chris's pulled me down. I sat in-between his legs, "I just want to sit here with you, so they know I'm off the market with a beautiful woman." Chris whispered into my ear.

Shivers traveled down my spine. Hearing and feeling his breath on my neck, I just leaned back into him sitting there enjoying the moment. "You stay here, and I'll get us dinner since you got Abby everything and lunch." I told Chris, which it wasn't an option, I would buy him, and his family dinner, to say thank you for their hospitality.

It would have been nice if I could afford a nice dinner, though it would be very slim for me to pay for an extravagant dinner. "Do you really want to have a sleepover with Abby tonight?" I complained.

"Not really, but she wants it, plus, I'm exhausted" He told me kissing my neck.

"Fine" I whined.

Authors POV.

Chris finally let Melissa go get their dinner since it was getting dark, and Cathrine texted letting him know that they were head over after Abby played one last game.

Melissa came back to Chris with Abby sitting in-between his legs and Mr and Mrs Wood sitting on camping chairs they brought instead of sitting on the ground.

"I have our dinner" Melissa spoke with joy.

"Chips" Abby spoke with joy.

"No, nachos and we have some dumplings" Melissa told everyone placing them down on the ground with a few paper plates and a tray of drinks a worker that followed Melissa to their seating area.

The family ate their dinner, Abby continued to talk about the fair that she couldn't get enough of.

"I want to go on the big fairest wheel?" Abby asked.

"What about we?" Melissa asked her daughter. "All of us, if you would like to go on the fairest wheel." Melissa asked Chris and his parents.

"YAAAA" Abby showed her smile.

Once they finished their dinner, they left the chairs and picnic rug down and took their bags, heading over to the fairest wheel was 100 meters behind them.

They all needed to wait 5 minutes to get to the front of the line so they could pile into one carriage. Chris held her so she could see the front on the line.

"Where almost there" Abby bops up and down on Chris's shoulders.

"All right Abby, what's hurting me," Chris speaks taking Abby off his shoulders.

When they reached the front of the line Abby jumped up and down wanting to get into the carriage. Melissa went to get her wallet out, Chris stopped her getting his money out to pay for a carriage ride.

Cathrine and Charles made a space for Abby so Melissa and Chris could have a seat to themselves. While Abby was looking out at the city in awe with how high they were. Chris wrapped his arm around Melissa, feeling more comfortable around his parents. When they reached the top, Abby jumped up, looking out the window. "Look mummy" She spoke excitedly.

"It's beautiful, amazing, right?" Melissa asked her daughter. Abby nodded, smiling.

"How about I take a photo of you three?" Cathrine asked. Chris and Melissa smiled as Chris handed his phone to his mum. 

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