Chapter 41

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Happy Birthday, Melissa! 

Enjoy this chapter, I am working extra hard now and enjoying writing more now having an extra week to write a good chapter :) 


Melissa's POV

While Abby was at school, Chris and I started painting our Twins rooms, making sure the fumes disappeared before they arrived had evaporated. It also needed to be dry for the furniture can be anchored to the wall so it won't tip on our children.

Once the paint semi-dried, Chris drilled holes in the walls for the anchors that will protect their children from pulling the dresses and cots from falling on top of them.

I went to pick up Abby and take her out for the afternoon, to have girl time while looking at buying clothes for the twins with Chris card with no limit to purchasing items.

When I arrived at Abby's school, I see; Sally, Ally, Sarah and Alexia, we started to organise playdate and sleepover. Sarah offered to take Abby, for one night so Chris and I can have a night alone before our lives become a little more hectic.

When the bell ran, their teacher opened the door. Our children came racing out, asking if we could all go to the park. "That's OK with me, I'll let Chris know, he can make us dinner" I smiled at Abby. "We can do the clothes shopping tomorrow" I smile at who's jumping up and down.

At the park, while Abby and her friends played. Sally, Sarah, Ally, Alexia and I sat on a table and bench watching them play on the playground. We continued organising a play date, and sleepover along with planned their birthday parties.

Our kids brought it to our attention first and wanted a big birthday party and wanted to celebrate them all together. Our kids begged us for their birthday party to be in an indoor play area, where they had gymnastics equipment, rock climbing walls, ninja stuff and trampolines.

It also meant that there was something there for everyone. It was good for us because Abby and her friends were all so active meaning that they would have fun and burn off all the sugar they will have eaten.

Planning our children's birthday party soon turned into mine and Chris's future wedding plans.

"We have decided that we are going to wait until our twins are at least 2, so they can be a part of the wedding. Plus I would like to fit into my dress" I smiled excited about our wedding but wanting our children to see their parents get married.

"You look Gorgeous pregnant, there is no doubt you will gorgeous on your wedding day." Sally smiled. "Thank you" I smile shyly, we talk about our mum issues, they spoke about their partners been annoy sometimes. I didn't want to get involved as I've had more significant problems in the past.

"What about you Melissa, I know you and Abby's father aren't together, but is there anything that he does that grinds you?" Alexia asked.

Sarah looked at me; she is the only one that knows about Jake since their children came from a broken home. It's the same with sally, but Sarah has had the same experience as me, with domestic violence.

"Abby doesn't see her father, he's not allowed to see her" I spoke softly, hunched over as if he was watching and going to come out and attack me.

"Why?" Ally pushed. I took a deep breath, 'admitting and telling people that you are a victim is another step into a new life.' The words of Allison replayed in my head.

"Abby's father." I started hitching my breath. "I am a woman of domestic violence" I breathed out. It felt food to say that, get it off my chest and trust people with these words and not have to hide it anymore.

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