Chapter 21

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Authors POV.

The trip home was silent; Abby is fast asleep in-between Charles and Cathrine. Chris sat in the front drive, one hand on the wheel, the other on Melissa's knee.

"I can put Abby to bed if you wish,," Cathrine speaks quietly.

"Thank you," Melissa spoke as she turned her head towards Chris's parents.

When they arrived home, Cathrine took Abby upstairs while Charles went into his office. Chris and Melissa went upstairs. Chris pulled Melissa into his room, which she had not yet seen.

"Let's sleep in here tonight, and we can make as much noise as we want," Chris whispered into Melissa's ear. Smiling, she looked at him. Let me just get my PJ's," she whispered.

"No need. You can wear one of my shirts." He whispered, pulling Melissa towards his bathroom. They pushed each other towards the bathroom, ripping off each other's clothes.

When the water hit their bodies, Chris pushed Melissa up against the shower wall, passionately kissing her. They had only done this in the hotel room; now, they were doing it in Chris childhood bath and bedroom.

"I can't believe we are doing this is your bathroom," Melissa whispered, running her hand through his hair and down to his shoulders.

Chris chuckled, moving his lips down her neck. "Let's get washed and go into the bed" Chris whispered, grabbing the soap and washed his girlfriend. He moved his soapy hands down to her thighs, running his fingers closer to the lower region. Melissa leaned back into his body, and he massaged her clit, moaning she turned around and pushed him up against the walk, taking the soap from him and washed moving her hands down to his hardening dick.

"I think we are clean" He croaked his dick, needing more attention.

Chris picked Melissa she wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked them over to his bed.

Laying her down on his bed his red silk sheets. "Do you want to do it in my bed?" He questioned, she nodded, and he continued to kiss and make love to her, ending up being tangled up in each other's bodies for the rest of the night.


The next morning the two woke up to nothing, no child jumping on the bed, just silence. Melissa smiled, loving this silence. She rolled over towards Chris, snuggling into him.

Moaning, Melissa muddled into his chest while Chris kissed her in her hair, wrapping his arms around her. "This is nice not being disturbed by anyone" Melissa replied with a smile.

"It is nice, but we should probably get up," Chris told Melissa, as he tried to get out of the bed. "no..." she cried, tightening her grip on his, but he was too strong that he just pulled her along with him.

"Come one, someone will be mad at us, that we didn't keep our promise," Chris spoke, waking Melissa up.

"Shit, we would have had a sleepover, we should have being in my bed" Melissa tracked back though her thoughts and discussions with Abby.

Melissa took her daughter out on a mother-daughter day since she was living rent-free at Chris's parents' house, and Mr Wood was still paying her she had a little extra money to have an outing.

Melissa took her daughter to the dinosaur museum again, and then they would go get their nails done as a special treat.

Chris stayed with his parents and asked Grant to come over so they could talk to him about getting his house back, and the best price to give it to Mel for the being or until they move in together.


Chris's POV.

"Thanks for coming man," I spoke to Grant bringing him and his father inside.

"No worries, anything to help Melissa" Grant replied as I shook his father's hand.

"Come in my parents at in the living area." I told them both closing the door.

Mr Gustin and grant sat down across from my father and mother after a handshake and hug.

"What can we do for you?" Mr Gustin asked.

"My house, I would like to give it to Melissa or I move it and allow her to rent two of the rooms out for her and Abby, not regarding the cost of utilities, kitchen and entertainment." I explained to the Gustin's

"Sure, you can do that, the tenant is still living there so, we can give them time to leave and help them find a new place." Grant explained to Chris.

"Give them time, I don't want to seem rude, I will also don't want them to pay the rest of the time, depending on how long it is." I explained.

"Sure, I will contact the current tenant, and get back to you." Grant explained.

"Great, thank you:" I replied smiling, "Hey grant, can we talk" I ask taking him away from our parents. "Sure" he replied, taping his father on the leg. Walking out with me.

"What's up?" Grant asked me. "You know that I would never hurt Melissa right?" I asked grant. He nodded his head, "Where are you going with this" he questioned.

"I want to meet her parents, but I don't know if it's too early." I asked him, hoping he would give me an answer.

"Look I will not tell you what you can and shouldn't do, but do what you feel is right, and fro, the sound of it, you like her." Grant told me, I nodded smiling. "So how's LA?" I ask him about his partner.

"Good, we're living together now." Grant said with his cheesy smile.

"That's great man, I'm proud for you. You're a great couple," I tell one of my Best Friends.

Grant and I, his father and my parents continue to talk and enjoy each other's company while we wait for Melissa.

When she arrived home, Abby ran into Grant giving him a hug. "Hey Ab, how are you?" Grant asked his niece. "Good, mummy and I got our nails done" Abby told grant as I went up to Melissa kissing her on the cheek.

"Come" I say, taking her hand, "Grant and I have something to tell you" I tell her as we walk over to the couch. Abby is sitting on grants lap while I sit Melissa down next to me wrapping my arm around her.

"So I made a proposition to grant, and we would like you to hear what we offer it." I asked Melissa. Looking at me, she nods.

"So I asked Grant to see if I could move back into my house, however I would like you to move in as a tenant, like a share house, all you need to do is pay for the rooms and I will take care of everything else?" I suggested, she looked at me smiling, unsure.

"So we would be like living together as a couple?" She questioned.

"Only if you want to" I replied, hoping she would say yes. Her no and smile said it all. Melissa nodded, smiling.

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