Chapter 31

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Hey guys sorry this is soo late, I had a big weekend and forgot to do this, sorry but with further ado here is the next chapter :) 

Authors POV

"Hands up, put the gun down," the officers yelled as they came from all different directs.

"We need a medic ASAP, women down," Officer Jerry yelled through his talking device.

"Abby's hiding," Melissa gasped, her eyes rolling back.

"Mel," Chris yelled, running over to her side.


Mel's POV

Beep beep.... that sound is so familiar, I feel my head move, and my eyes flicker open.

I see Chris holding my hand, head back on the hospitable blue chair, with a pillow almost falling off. Grumbling, his eyes open. "Mel," his breath hitches.

I try to smile. "your ok, the babies are ok," I hear Chris say. I release my unknown breath I didn't know I had been holding in.

"I'll get a nurse," Chris explained, kissing me on the forehead. "Wait where's Abby," I ask, Chris looks at me.

"She's fine, the paramedics checked her, my parents are looking after her," Chris tells me, I smile as he walked out.

My nurse returned with a clipboard, "Hi Melissa, how are you?" The junior nurse asked me.

"I'm ok; my leg hurts," I expressed. The nurse nodded, "Well, firstly, I would like to say, the man who shot you; he shot you in the leg, so your babies are fine and very healthy. Secondly, we got the built out, it went through your muscles but didn't get to your bone." The nurse reported her notes on the clipboard.

"So I will get some more medication for your leg, is there anything else?" The nurse continued.

"Is it all right if I have something to eat?" I asked, "Sure, now your daughter and your parents-in-law are here, would you like to see them?" The nurse questioned.

"yes, please," I reply with a smile, waiting to see my daughter.

Minutes later, Abby walks in, "Mummy, are you ok?" Abby asked.

"I am much better now that you're here," I reply, hugging Abby. "Are you ok?" I ask Abby.

"Yeah I am ok, I was a little scared, but I am good now" Abby replied to me, I kissed her on the forehead as she sat next to me.

"Melissa, here is your food," A nurse spoke placing the covered food on the table as Chris pulled it closer to me.

"Baby, I need to sit up so I can eat," I asked my daughter, Abby smiled as Chris helped her off so I could eat my food.

"Mummy, what are they going to do to that man?" Abby asked me.

"I am not sure, baby, but he won't be seeing us any of us soon," I tell Abby. "Abby, you will always be safe with me, ok," Chris tells Abby whitest looking at me. I smile at him as he takes my hand, squeezing it.

I finished my food. Chris pulled the table away from me so Abby could sit with me. "Mummy I have my iPad, do you want to watch something with me," Abby asked. "Sure, baby," I replied as my doctor walked in.

"Hi, Melissa," He started. I looked at Chris; he took my hand. "Sorry doctor, she has a few issues with trusting men" Chris explained

"That's fine, Melissa, I work with women like you" The male doctor started going into his pocket. "Here, I have a degree in women psychology. I also worked in many woman's hospitals; I understand where you are coming from."  he started with sympathy

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