Chapter 27

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Hey, everyone, I hope you all are wherever you are in the world, 

To all my friends on the other side of the world, I am thinking of you; I am sick and tired of people not thinking Black Lives Matter, they do, they are people two and deserve a chance at life, no matter what up brining they come from, no matter what culture, what job, you are in you should not do that. 

If you are a nurse and you were to do that, you would be sacked and charged with murder, 

If you are an educator and were trying to restrain a child if they were threatening to kill/hurt e.c.t people or themselves not only would you be sacked, but the board of education in your state, country, province, local area, would make sure to tell every school in the world not to hire you. You would also be charged with murder. 

please no that no matter gender, race, how to hire you are up what your job is you should not do what that policeman did, no one should,  VIOLENCE ISN'T THE ANSWER to all of this, it should be a time of coming together, praying and holding hands

anyways here is the story! 

Authors POV

"I can make some calls for you?" Charles asked Melissa, it's like a weight lifted off her shoulders, and a sigh escaped her lips. "Thank you" Melissa releases the words of gratitude.

Chris came back with a sandwich, "Here have something to eat" He started placing a lunch in front of Melissa. "What are you talking about?" Chris asked. "I will help you find a school for Abby," Charles told his son.

"Thank you, Dad," Chris replies "So when are we going to open this cafe up?" Chris asked.

"I want to try for two weeks from now, but we need to hire a few staff members and see how we go?" Charles told Chris and Melissa.

"Um, that might be problem Abby won't have anywhere to go?" Melissa speaks up. "Mummy, I'm finished, can I do some colouring?" Abby speaks.

"Hey Ab's manners please," Melissa asks her daughter. Abby huffed, "Excuse me, mummy" Abby started. Melissa looked at her daughter.

"Yes, Abby." Melissa started. "Can I do some colouring?" Abby asked, Asked her mother.

"Sure baby, you can go get your bag," Melissa told her daughter turning back to Chris, and Mr Wood.

"It's ok Melissa, Celia can look after Abby while we look at a school for her," Charles told Melissa.

Melissa sighed in relief, "It's ok dad has good contacts, I'll help you figured out with schooling." Chris told Melissa, rubbing her back. "Hey did you want to lie down? You still look pale." Chris told Melissa.

Melissa nodded, getting up and walking into the office, laying down. On the couch where Abby was laying 10 minutes before.


Melissa sat up, on the couch, seeing Chris at the desk with Abby sitting on the floor with her colouring book.

"Mummy" Abby spoke quietly, Chris looked up from his computer. "Your up, are you feeling better?" He asked Melissa. She nodded as Abby in her lap.

"Much better, what are you doing?" Melissa asked Chris.

"I'm looking at some schools, come and have a look," Chris asked Melissa; she placed Abby on the couch so she could have a look at the schools Chris had been looking at while she had been resting.

Melissa and Chris went down to two schools but chose Hunter College since they have experience working with vibrant, gifted and talented kids.

While he contacted the school, I went out and got myself used to the kitchen along with getting to know the cafe.

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