Chapter 17

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Melissa's POV

"God, you're so beautiful" Chris whispered looking down at her body as it fell down her breast. His kissed her nick, moving his hands down her torso kissing in-between her breast.

Chris pulled her up, wasting no time to take the rest of the body suit off.

I tugged on Chris's hair, pulling him closer to her, wanting him even more.

Chris wanted to kiss me further down, making me feel things I know I haven't felt in a long time.

Chris wanted me. He wanted me to touch him so he could feel energised, so I could ride him.

"I need some help" he grunted grinding me, hoping it would help. "I would love to, just get me undressed first" I whispered in his ear making him moan.

He quickly undressed me kissing me to my core, moaning he flipped me over. "Please," he moaned.

I moved my hands down his chest, kissing him too down his chiseled chest and abdomen. I kissed and softly moved my hands down to his hips, looking up at him.

He moaned, flinging his head back as I came closer to his pelvis. He squirmed as I continued to kiss him, as I moved down closer to his penis. "Please, god Mel" Chris panted

"Hang on," I said, kissing him. Chris pulled on my hair, scrunching it in his hands, thrusting into me.

I lifting myself up, moving one of my hands down. "Is this what you want?" I asked him smirking. I saw him nod his head and gulp. I move my hand down, kissing him down his abs, he groans as the tip of my finger touches his dick.

Gasping flipping me over so he's on top of me, now kissing me down between my Brest and stomach.

He moved his hands down, to my thighs, my breath hitches as his hand moves up and he continues to kiss me down to my pelvis.

"Chris please" I whimpered feeling heat and wetness dribble down my leg, as they trembled.

"Chris," I whimpered with a shaky voice. "I'm ready," I tell him.

Chris looks at me smiling, pushing my hands above by head holding me there. "OK" he replied kissing me on the lips and down my abdomen again, whimpering arching my back.

I watched Chris as he hovered above me, felling him thrust inside of me.

He thrusted holding me down; He thrust further into me; I arch my back.

"Chris," I whimpered as he grunted and our skins slapped together. I grabbed his hair pulling him down to me as he kept thrusting and our breath became quicker.

His thrust became quicker and deeper, my insides tightened, he groaned thrashing his head back scrunching his face; I moaned he his hands moved down my sides to my hips. Gripping them he thrusted inside.

"Are you coming" Chris asked me.

"Al.. most" I whimpered arching my back and his arms and hands wrapped around my waist going down to my ass.

"Oh GOD" I whispered with a squeal.

"You like that?" He asked with a smirk I nodded my eyes looking at him.

"Don't stop," I whispered as he moved his fingers to the back entrance of my vagina.

I whimpered as he slid two of his fingers in hitched my breath. "I.. I'm" I started as he thrusted. Screaming, I let out a sigh as he rolled to the side of me.

"That was the best sex I have ever had" Chris commented as we laid the together now facing each other, I nodded in agreement.

"How... How many times did you cum?" I asked out of the blue, he looked at me smiled.

"6, only because you were so tight" he replied with a cheeky grin.

"Sorry I couldn't come that many times," I told with hiding my face in the pillow.

"It's ok, I know it will take time getting use to coming from your situation with him, and I hope that we will do it more, so you will be able to cum more, and we can have more rounds" I smirked leaning over to Kiss him.

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