Chapter 18

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Ok, first authors note; this is a late one, but I am so happy for Melissa and Chris bringing in a child into the world, their baby it's going to be loved by many people, let's give them space as respect their privacy, not everyone likes to share their baby to the world.  AND THEY ARE HAVING A BOY !!!!!!

Secondly, I have a new baby myself I took home a puppy two weekends ago hence not many updates, as I am finding time to write when boy my dogs (I have two a four-year-old and a 12 week old). 

thirdly and most importantly - I hope where ever you are in the world you are safe with this virus - please respect your countries rules as people like me, my mum and younger brother and prone to this virus and can catch it quickly as we have weak immune systems, stay safe were ever you are :) 

Authors POV

The next morning Melissa and Chris left early and went to have breakfast and have a look at the newest cafe down from his parent's house, where Melissa could potentially work very soon.

"So, I know we just became closer and everything but, have you ever thought about buying your place?" Melissa asked Chris.

"I have one, but to save money, I rent it out, but I guess we do this maybe I could move in full time, and help find a place close so we can do these little things quite often," Chris told Melissa with a smirk.

"I like that sound of that," Melissa spoke, smiling, "Come on, let's start our date." Chris started and continued, "I thought we could get Abby, and maybe we could have a date together?" Chris suggested to Melissa, who smiled.

"Sure, I mean, we had pretty fun last night, and it was an amazing date," Melissa spoke kindly with a cheeky grin.

"Come, back here," Chris spoke, taking her hand, pulling her to the back where there was an office. Pushing her against the door of the office they walked into; he picked her up, Melissa wrapped her legs around his waist as they continued to kiss each other.

"Wait," Melissa mumbled, kissing Chris. "What?" He questioned, pulling away.

"Can we do this, well kiss and hold hands outside?" Melissa asked Chris, looking at him.

Chris helped her down, placing her feet on the ground, "If you want to, I'd be happy to," Chris replied, kissing Melissa again.

"Should we go get Abby" Chris continued, Melissa nodded smiling, Chris took her hand, and they walked out of the cafe hand in hand out to the car, opening the door for her, walking around to her side, and off to collect Abby.


Chris POV

After our brunch, we went back to my parent's place, so it looks like we are going on a date that Abby wants us too. Since we did that last night, I suggested that we take Abby out, so it was more of a family outing than a date.

When we arrive at my parent's place, I walk in while Melissa hides in the bushes coming in a few minutes after me, so nothing looked too suspicious.

When I walked through the door, I saw Abby sitting on the couch with my mum and dad; they all looked at me. "Chris," Abby yelled, jumping off the sofa, running over to me, jumping to me.

I caught her; I held her as we walked over to my mum and dad, "Where is mummy?" Abby asked me; I looked at her sitting down on the couch, placing her on my lap.

"I messaged her, she told me, she is one her way home now, so we can go out, but I was going to ask you, mummy, if you wanted to come?" I asked Abby.

"YAAAA," Abby screamed, I smiled as there was a knock at the door, "Should we go see if that's mummy?" I asked Abby, she nodded and raced to the door.

Abby waist for me to get the door,  she jumps up and down the door, waiting to see her mother, as Melissa is waiting to see her daughter.

"Mummy" Abby yelled, Melissa put her bag down and picked up her daughter. "Hi baby" Melissa spoke to her daughter.

"Chris said we're all going out on a date" Abby spoke jumping up and down on her mothers, hips that I want to ride so badly.

"Really? Well while I put my things away think about where you wanna go, but you have to ask Chris, first too, ok." Melissa told her daughter walking inside while I grabbed her bag, following her.

"I'll help you take this upstairs," Chris spoke, smiling.

"Abby, why don't you think of what you would like to do in your room please," Melissa told her daughter. When her daughter went into Melissa, and I snuck into her room.

I closed the door walking up to Melissa, embracing her tightly, kissing her passionately. Pulling away, Melissa smiling and grabs her bag and starts to unpack it.

"What do you think Abby would want to do?" I asked Melissa

She shrugged her shoulders, smiling, "You know it doesn't have to be expensive, we could just go to the park, have a picnic?" Melissa replied, tho me.

"Theirs a fair at that park we could go to that?" I suggested

"I think she would like that, and I would like that too," Melissa replied, kissing me.


Authors POV

Chris and Melissa walked up to Abby's door; Melissa knocked on the door, opening it to see her daughter colouring in her colouring book.

"Abby, honey, Chris said there is a fair at the park, did you want to go to that?" Melissa spoke to her daughter. Abby looked up and smiled.

"Will there be games?" She asked Chris, "I would hope so" Chris replied with a smile at who I had Abby nodded running over to her mother.

"Ok, should we get a bag ready and head down now?" Melissa spoke like it was a question to Chris; he nodded, helping pack Abby a bag.

"The park is down the road should we walk there?" Chris asked Melissa and Abby. Melissa smiled, and Abby nodded her head, "Can you please hold hands?" Abby questioned

Melissa and Chris smiled "Sure, how about we go further, and you can sit on my shoulder?" Chris asked Abby nodding her head, showing her teeth.

The three walked downstairs, a backpack on Melissa's back while Chris holds Abby's hands.

"We're going to the fair at the park" Abby gleefully shouts to Chris's parents.

"Have a wonderful time," Chris father spoke. "Maybe you could join us for dinner?" Melissa suggested to his parents looking at Chris, he nodded.

"That would be great, let us know when you are ready, and we will head down." Chris's mum spoke to the two adults and the child.

Melissa and Chris walked down to the park hand in hand, with Abby on Chris's shoulders. You could tell she was happy as she is bouncing around clapping her hands as Abby watches the world go by from the hight she was sitting in Chris's shoulders. 

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