Chapter 19

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Hey, guys, this chapter doesn't have any violence in it, but in these difficult times we all need someone to talk to, so please you if are having trouble coping with whats happening in the world of isolation there are people here to talk and listen, My doctors say I am a pro at isolation as I have done it for six months already from cancer so if you need any tips or tricks or just need to talk, don't hesitate to contact me. we are all here for each other in this time, lets come together and maybe do a chat on insta or something so we can all stay conected :) 

I am sorry I haven't been active. Lately, I am going to try this week and set some time aside and edit and write chapters :) 

stay safe, and remember to stay connected, check in on your neighbors, grandparents, and friends. 

love ya from down under 

Authors POV.

The somewhat of a blended family of three arrived at the park, "Can we play some games?" Abby asked her mum and Chris.

"Sure, then should we have something to eat?" Melissa asked Abby's face showed how much fun she is having.

They walked up to the first game, which is the ring toss, seeing all the prizes on the wall. "I wasn't the big doggy" Abby spoke.

"You need to win it, baby," Melissa told her daughter taking her wallet out,

"Melissa, this is a date, I am paying for everything" He spoke so Abby could hear him.

"Are you sure?" Melissa questioned him; he nodded in return, "Yes," Chris replied, smiling since he wanted to, and it didn't bother him. Unfortunately, Abby didn't win the big dog she wanted, but she got the choice of a medium pack of candy bracelets or a squishy ball that the 90s kids loved.

Naturally, Abby chose the candy bracelets, which Melissa wasn't too fussed about because she would have one and forget about them later so that she could eat the rest of them.

They continue to walk around, Abby seeing cotton candy, and many other games she wanted to play, which Chris happily paid for, making a happy Melissa seeing her baby girl happy.

They continued to walk around the park grounds, Chris saw a booth filled with stuffed teddies, seeing the same dog Abby wanted,

"Hey, how about we settle down and get something to eat?" Chris asked the two girls. "Did you Wanna find a spot? And I can find something for us to eat?" He. Continued looking at Melissa and Abby, "What would you like?" He questioned, waiting for Melissa to reply to her and Abby.

"Anything is good, thank you," Melissa replied to Chris, smiling, letting go of her hand, walking over to the booth where the stuffed dog was, being it for her, then getting the food for everyone.


Chris walked back with two trays of food and the stuffed dog on his back. "Abby, I have something for you," Chris said walking up to the two girls in his life, Abby looks up from her mother's phone, she sees the large stuffed dog hanging off his shoulders.

Melissa smiled, getting up and taking the trays from his hands as Abby got up smiled, looking at the stuffed dog; he bent down to her, "Now you have to promise me something," He asked Chris explained to Abby.

"What is it?" Abby asked innocently.

"You need to take care of the teddy, name it and cuddle it," Chris tells Abby as huge holds it out to her.

Abby smiled, nodding her head, waiting for Chris to hand her the stuffed dog. Once he handed it to her, she hugged it tight. "Thank you" she replied, hugging Chris tightly too.

"Your welcome, now lets have something to eat because I am hungry," Chris explained, walking over to sit next to Melissa.

Chris took her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Thank you," Melissa Whispered smiling. "No worries, So, what do you say, about kissing on our first official outing we kiss in public?" Chris asked Melissa looking at her.

Melissa looked at Abby, who was eating her nuggets and chips and trying to feed her new stuffed toy too. "Yeah, I'd like that," replying, they both leaned in kissing each other as if it was their first every kiss.

Pulling away the smiling seeing Abby talking to the stuffed dog, chuckling, they both ate their fries, along with a hamburger for Chris and chicken burger for Melissa.

After the lunch, Abby decided she wanted to go on some rides provided at the fair.

"Ok, Abby, three rides," Melissa told her daughter, knowing Abby is becoming tired. "What rides do you want to go on?" Chris asked Abby. "Tea cups" she screamed. Chris looked at Melissa, "Her favourite ride" Melissa states.

"Don't you get dizzy on it?" Chris asked.

"Yes, and I feel sick too," Melissa told Chris looking at him while looking at Abby in front of them.

"I don't mind going on them, I like the tea cups," Chris explained, looking at Melissa.

"Thank you," Melissa spoke, sighing in relief; he chuckled, "Abby, I will take you on the teacups, give mum a break," Chris asked Abby. Smiling, she jumped up and down.

After the teacups, Abby said she wanted to go on the big inflatable slide and bouncy castle, it was $5, and they could stay on there as long as possible. For the first 5 minutes, Melissa and Chris joined Abby, having fun themselves.

Melissa to her daughter. She could stay on there while here and Chris sat on the grass outside the big bouncy castle.

While Abby is playing inside the bouncy castle, Melissa and Chris get to have some alone time.

"Thank you for this" Melissa spoke as he wrapped his arm around her.

"No worries, I'm glad I got to do this," Chris replies, kissing Melissa on the cheek.

Abby came out of the bouncy castle red faced, "Do you need a drink?" Melissa asked her daughter. Abby nodded, "Ok, lets get you a water" Melissa spoke.

"NO! Soda" She screamed, Melissa sighed, "Abigail, you have already had cotton candy, its water or we go home" Melissa huffed, Abby continued to scream. "Ok, it's time to go home, your tired" Melissa finished picking a kicking a screaming, Chris picked up Melissa's bag.

Abby continued to kick and scream Melissa, not flinching they walked out of the park.

As they walked further up the street towards Chris's parents' house, Abby quietened down and soon fell asleep. Melissa and Chris walked together quietly talking.

When they reached Chris's parents' home, Chris opened the door for Melissa as she wanted to go straight upstairs and put Abby to bed for a nap.

Melissa walked into her room to see Chris sitting on the edge of her bed, "Hi" Melissa spoke, walking up to him, sitting on his lap. "Hi" he replied, kissing her.

The two sat and talked about their day while lying down and eventually falling asleep themselves for a good nap they both desperately needed.

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