Chapter 12

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Hey, guys, this chapter doesn't have anything serious in it, if you need to talk to someone and if this story brings any emotions us, please contact your local hotline or lifeline

Melissa's POV

He scared me; I pulled a shirt up to my chest turning round then turning do his back to him.

"It's ok, your back is good enough to me," he said, walking up to me, kissing my neck. I leaned my head back, not realising that my top fell on the floor.

"Here," he spoke, bending down picking it up, helping me put it on. "Thank you" I replied with a smile turning around to him as he caressed my face looking into my eyes, as I looked into his.

"Can I kiss you?" He questioned I nodded cupping my face he pulled me in as I wrapped my arm around his back, as I lean into the kiss.

Pulling away, I smiled at him while he smiled back. We sat down on my bed; I moved over so he could lie down with me. We cuddled as we lay there. "So what was mum talking to you about?" Chris asked me.

"She was telling me she hasn't seen you happier, and that you have also struggled?" I asked Chris with ease. He sighed looking at me with his eyes filled with fear.

"Hey it's ok, look at me," I started "Look at me, I know this is something a couple that's been in a fairly long relation ship should say. We will get through this, you helped me so I will help you, if you need to speak to me, speak to me. Tell me what's going on." I tell me looking him in the eyes.

Again he caressed my face and smiled. "Thank you" he choked. I now kissed him, I wanted to straddle him, but I wasn't ready. Yes, I was ready I wanted him, like bad. I kissed him instead, smiling.

"Thank you," he replied with a smile. Kissing me, we lay in bed cuddling up to each other.


The next morning, Chris and I woke up facing each other. He was starring at me. "It's creepy to stare to people when they sleep," I tell him with a smile moving my head to his chest.

"It's hand not to stare when you're so beautiful," he whispers. I smiled. He kissed me on the hair line, wrapping his arms around me.

Humming, I closed my eyes as I wrapped my free arm around him. "What are you going to do today?" Chris asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I might take Abby to the movies we have done nothing like that in ages plus she deserves a treat, I also need to call her day care and look at kindergartens," making a list in my head.

"Do you need help? I'm happy to pay, since you're not working plus as your secret boyfriend I would like to do that," he told me, I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

Sitting up, I look down at him, "Secret boyfriend Huh?" I questioned he nodded sitting up to kissing me. "Well, if you will sleep with me" he told me smirking kissing me again.

"Hmm Not here, I know it sounds corny, your parents, Abby." I started looking at him. "I'll book a hotel? How's the weekend sound?" He asked excitedly.

Giggling, I look at him again. "What about Abby?" I ask. "My parents would be happy to look after her. I'll tell them I'm going out with a girl, and you can tell them you will stay with a friend, just for the night." He tells me with a smile as if he had already planned it out.

"Ok," I reply with a smile. "What really?" He asked me, shaking my head smiling. He pulled me into a hug, kissing me.

"So how are we going to do this, I mean, you will need sneak out?" I asked Chris, he got out of my bed. My head slammed down onto the bed, groaning I sit up.

"Come out in 5 minutes have a shower and get Abby dressed." He ordered me. Smiling, I kinda thought it was hot him ordering me around.


During the 5 minutes I checked my phone, it felt weird getting up this late at 7 am, Abby would be happy about it not having to go to day care or go into work with me, though she would need to go to kindergarten soon.

I get out of bed seeing that Chris had just gotten out of the bathroom seeing him in a towel dripping wet. He smirks at me as I walk towards Abby's room down the hall in between mine and his room.

I opened the door to Abby's rooms to see was still fast asleep. I walk over to her bed. "Good morning, baby girl, time to wake up," I whisper to her, kissing her on the forehead.

Goggling opening her eyes she smiles, "Good morning mummy" she replies to me sitting up. Hugging her, I help her out of bed so I could get her clothes from her dresser.

"Mummy need to get her clothes too, would shower together again today, and I have a big surprise for you." I started, "I will tell you when we go have breakfast," I tell my daughter, who is smiling.

I walked into my room while Abby stood at the door of a bathroom while I retrieve my clothes and underwear.

I came back with jeans and a nice floral top, going into the bathroom, I placed our clothes on the bench turning on the shower I take Abby's clothes off and then mine; I pick her up and get into the shower.

I wash her hair and my hair and allow her to play in the tub which I put a plug into the drain, while I washed my hair and myself.

I dried myself putting my hair up in the towel first and getting dressed allowing Abby to play in the water a little longer. When I finished, I gave Abby a quick wash and rinse off before taking her out of the bath and drying her. Put her in her clothes and took her back into my room where I could dry her hair and mine before we head downstairs to have breakfast.

"Mummy, where are we going today?" She asked me. Smiling at her I gave in, I was a little excited myself because we have done nothing in a while.

"Well, we are going to the movie today, since you have being so good and I figured that we both need a treat," I tell her.

Smiling, she jumped up and down. "Can Chris come?" She asked me. "I just wanted to spend the day with you, but if you wanted Chris to come too, I guess that's ok," I said with a smile. 

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