Chapter 16

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Hey, guys, I am sure you have been wait for this !! there will be a P.2 next week. ALSO, WE REACHED 100 episode yaaaaaa !! I am super excited for the episode. 

Like I always do at the beginning of each chapter, if anything is confronting or triggers you please call your local lifeline, hotline or domestic violence hotline - there are people there to help get you out of situations. 

enjoy the chapter :) 

Authors POV

He kissed down her neck, straddling her pushing her arms above her head. He hadn't taken her undergarments off yet, and he found her very attractive, pulling away he looked at her scars tracing them with his fingers.

Wincing at one of the fresh scars he leans over her abdomen kissing a scar, she winces but, relaxes as he moves his kisses down, tilting her head back she lets him take over.

"Your so Beautiful" he whispered as he kissed her, wrapping his arms around his body taking off her bar.

He kissed in between her breast moving always. "Wha..." Melissa started "Condom" he stopped her, she nodded he took his bags off exposing himself to her, gulping she saw his body. He crawled over the top of Melissa, kissing her.

"I need you. To rub me" Chris started, Melissa smirked looking up at him. "Just go in" Melissa spoke a little out of breath, already feeling exhilarated.

"Really?" Chris asked, she nodded. He kissed her stomach to her to her lingerie line.

Chris looked up at her, smiling, pulling her lingerie down her legs. Crawling back on top of her again.


Laying in bed holding each other, "Wow" Melissa said giggling digging her, "Umm, I can't wait tonight," Chris spoke Kissing Melissa, "Umm me neither" she replied.

"Did you want to watch the rest of the movie before our dinner comes" Melissa nodded with a smile, Chris getting without of the bed still naked so Melissa slapped his butt, smiling.

Chris looked back at her, grabbing the remote from the ottoman jumping on the bed, making her squeal.

He gave her another kiss and sat beside her, turning on the TV and watching the rest of the movie.

"Did you want to have dinner out on the balcony?" Chris asked Melissa with his arm around her rubbing her arm On one of her scars, she did not understand why, but it was comforting.

"She leaned into him and moaned. I just want to stay in bed." She winked. Chris looked at her. "Um we have being in bed for most of the day, come one," he begged

"Um how about we go have a shower, before dinner gets here, have dinner on the balcony and go back to bed?" He persisted. Melissa looked at Chris. "Fine, but it better be better in the shower," she smirked, getting out the bed.

Chris growled jumping out of bed, racing into the bathroom with her. Chris pushed Melissa up against the wall, picking her up from her thighs, wrapping them around her waist.

"You're so hard" Melissa grinned against him. "I don't have one" Chris whimpered, kissing her neck. "Don't worry" Melissa said, he pulled away and looked at her.

Pushing her against the wall, thrusting into her as the water ran down their bodies.

Knocking at the door made the pull apart. "Coming" Chris yelled "Turn off the shower" he whispered wrapping a towel around his waist, while Melissa got out of the shower, drying herself off, trying to sneak out to take out her sexy body suit.

As Melissa was going through her bag trying to look for her body suit while holding up her towel. "Looking for this?" Chris asked holding up the skimpy body suit up.

"I can't wait to see you in this," he said, throwing it towards her. Walking back into the bathroom, she put it on along with some shorts she brought.

"Hey Chris, can you please do this up?" Melissa called out of the bathroom door with the down holding her wet hair up.

Chris came in seeing Melissa. "Really, you may as well just not wear it" he told Melissa walked up to her clipping it up. "You better not break it, to rip it off I brought it just for you and it was expensive" She tells Chris turning around once facing him.

"Dinner is ready on the balcony" spoke. "Do you have a hair tie?" He asked Melissa looked down at her wrist, showing it to him. He took it off and gently pulled the towel down from her hair.

Taking her wet hair pulling it up in a bun, kissing her on the neck. "When did you get the tattoo?" He asked the feather tattoo on her neck.

"After I had Abby, and I became free of him," Melissa explained, looking up at Chris. "Come, you will need a jacket, it's a little chilly" Chris spoke picking up a jumper that he had pulled out from his bag he sneakily got out of the house.

The two sat out on the balcony with LED light up candles and a set table with their dinner ready to eat. "Chris, the looks beautiful," Melissa stated as he pulled out a chair for her to sit on, then walking to his chair sitting down.

They ate dinner and really talked, got to know each other further than they did a week ago.

While Melissa cleaned herself up, looking as sexy as she could be. She walked out as Chris walked back into the room, seeing her. He immediately took off his shirt and pants, nothing underneath.

"Lets take it slow this time." Melissa told him walking up to him looking him up and down. "I would definitely like to get to know your body," Melissa told Chris smirking, running her hands up and down his toned body.

Chris picked Melissa up vigorously, kissing her walking over to the bed laying her down. Looking deep into each other's eyes they kiss again, as Melissa moved her hands up and down his body.

"Can I do the honours of taking the thing off that covering your wonderful body?" Chris asked Melissa in his husky voice. Both smirking, Melissa nod sitting up, helping take off her revealing body suit. 

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