epilogue Part 1 - A few years later

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Hey Peeps, I am sooooooooooooo sorry. I had this all ready, then I didn't like it, so I changed it, it was way to long, so its in two parts. Then I edited it, half way threw I lost it, and I read it again, didn't like it, so I edited again, and here we are !
Thats one of this things, the other thing is I have had a few health issues.
I also got to go on a trip of a life time with a non profit organisation I am with. (Where I am Perth, WA we have no lock down, nor restrictions)
Anyways; here is the first chapter of the last segment of this book.

Melissa's POV
Three days after our twins Brenna and Levi were born on the 20th of May 2021, we could take them home with many sleepless nights ahead of us. The day before we took them home, I told Chris to go home, get the house ready and get some rest since neither of us would get any. Chris denied explaining he didn't want to leave his newborn babies or me alone at the hospitable.
When the day came for us to take them home, Chris and I Smiled with glee. Abby waited with her grandparents outside of the hospitable. Anxiously waiting to see her, the four before they head their separate ways for a week. Abby is staying with her grandparents for a week while we get settled with Brenna and Levi.

Once my head hit my own comfortable bed having a nice uninterrupted sleep, with no beeping or nurses checking in on me, Brenna or Levi.
Our first week home flew by, enduring restless nights, hoping that we could keep up a routine, so Abby could come home to her family as soon as possible. When we overcame obstacles like running out of diapers in the middle of the night. We are very thankful that our parents could help have Abby for the first week.
We got to see Abby, though. After that, Chris and I went on walks with Brenna and Levi so we could get out of the house and get some exercise in, being careful though, since we really had to wait 6 weeks.
Abby joined us a week later. However, like us, she found it difficult to sleep. So, as a collective family, we asked Abby what she wanted to do, which she responded, "I want to stay with Grammy".
We allowed her to stay with her Grammy, which helped us bring the twins into a more in-depth routine.
When we finally found ourselves in a good routine, Abby joined us back home, helping us with anything she could and enjoying being with her siblings. However, Abby continued to find it hard, as she wasn't getting much of the attention anymore. Instead, she had to share it with her newborn twins, Brenna and Levi.
As the weeks went on, our lives continued to change, and each week, Brenna and Levi's progress changed daily. Finally, six weeks came by; Brenna and Levi could have their immune shots and meet the rest of our family and friends.
Walking through the children's colourful hospitable foyer, Brenna and Levi laid in their custom made stroller, facing each other. They also liked when they sat next to each other to reach out and grab one another. But, when they couldn't touch or see each other, that's when they would get cranky and cry.
"Do you think Brenna will like her prosthetic arm?" Abby asked her dad, dangling from his shoulders, looking down at her siblings, waving their arms around. I hear both Abby and Chris chuckle.

Even though Chris and Abby aren't biological father and daughter, they certainly act the same and love all the same things. For example, they love their baseball; When the Yankees are playing, both Chris and Abby's eyes are on the TV.
Their doctor amazed me with how well she kept Brenna and Levi calm while giving them all their immunisations. Brenna and Levi sat there with little cries, amazed how their doctor could trick them so quickly.
After their shots, we waited for 15 minutes if one of them or both reacted to their immune image. Then, we strapped them back in when they didn't respond and walked up to the orthopaedic wards waiting room.
I held Brenna while Abby pushed the pram in guided by Chris into the consulting room. Chris, Abby and Levi sat on the chairs provided. In contrast, Brenna and I sat on the consulting table as another gentle male orthopaedic doctor played with Breanna's arm. She squealed when he measured her arm.
Breanna's orthopaedic doctor explained that he would not get her a prosthetic until at least two to grow and be more comfortable with her limbs.
Authors POV
When a year went by, Melissa and Chris couldn't believe Brenna and Levi were one. They were also struggling to realise that Abby was now going to big school full time.
Both Levi and Brenna hit their milestones. Brenna found it hard having one arm; however, she pulled herself up with her incredible determination, persistence, and watching her brother. She got up mischief together, along with their older sisters help.
Both of them were walking in no time, scaring their parents and making them work overtime.
The new parents of twins needed to complete on baby proof doors and sharp edges, along with making sure that the stairs had gates latched to them and permanently closed.
When Brenna said her first word, Melissa and Chris smiled happily, thrilled. However, when Levi wasn't advancing, his parents became concerned, just like Brenna. So when he saw and heard Brenna using her words to get things, he followed.
Since the twins were one, Melissa and Chris sent Brenna and Levi to daycare once a week. Melissa and Chris would alternate the days to have them to themselves when they didn't have to work or look after anyone bar themselves, usually rotating the days.
Because they liked daycare so much, Melissa and Chris moved them up to two days a week, meaning they could work and provide for their children.
When Brenna and Levie starting going more frequently, Chris and Melissa talked about Melissa going back to school to study paleontology. Luckily, near one of the many cafes they own, the state museum just opened classes to anyone in the community who wanted to learn about the fascinating life of dinosaurs.
Some days, one parent would head off early and help open a cafe in the area, while the other would stay with the kids, getting them ready for daycare and school and head over to the cafe.
Some days, we would take them to school and daycare together, pick them up, and make it a memorable morning and afternoon.
They would bring their dogs  Jack Russel Farley and Labrador Drift and head to the park in the afternoon.

In the comments, write what you think might happen.

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