Chapter 9

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Hey guys glad you're enjoying this story :) if this story makes you need to talk to someone, please call your local hotline or lifeline, also follow IDOMIND. This chapter is more of a lighter chapter but also bring up heavy thing where friends feel bad because they didn't realise it was going on. 

Once again if you are in distressed, please call your local hotline or lifeline, they are plenty of people train at these services. 

Melissa's POV

Grant helped Chris, and I clean the apparent out and taking items down to the truck that grant called to help with the removal. 

Since the needed to take the couch, Chris offered to bring Abby home while Grant and I finished the clean and drove the truck to Chris's house.

"Mel, I am so sorry, why didn't you tell me?" Grant asked me, shrugging I looked out at the road as he drove. "I thought he was gone; he just came into my work," I told Grant he sighed.

The ride was silent to the house; Grant kept his eyes on the road while I looked outside of the window, I'm not mad at him, he should no that, it wasn't him who did this, he only helped us meet in high school, we did the rest.

"Grant, please stop been mad at yourself, you did nothing," I told him as I looked at him. Grant didn't speak "GRANT!" I yelled. 

"Please you need to stop blaming yourself; you didn't do what he did to me, I could of left, but I didn't, I saw too much of the good to the bad, but when I got pregnant I wanted to make it work, but..... it didn't," I told him

"He did this to you in high school? while pregnant?" He asked me, now I stayed quiet. "MELISSA" he yelled.

"Why didn't you tell me that he was harming you." He asked "It wasn't physical at the time, more psychological and emotional, but when I found out I was pregnant he started to physical which is why I fled, here," I told him.

He sighed, looking at me for a second than at the road. "I'm sorry Mel," Grant replied to me, I smiled and rubbed his back. 

"It's ok" I replied with a smile. We continued to chat about our life back in high school for the rest of the way to Chris's home.


When we arrived at Chris's home his mum, was back from the hospitable and helped out by showing where to put Abby's bed as well as the closet while Melissa took her clothes to the room that she and Abby were sharing.

When Chris, Grant and I finished getting Abby's room set up, we all went downstairs and sat down for half an hour and talked.

I learnt that Chris and Grant met in college and became best friends. Grant wanted to play matchmaker again, so he told Chris about me but we never actually met until last week.

"Hey man, Melissa and I need to go to the hospitable to see my dad, thank you for coming," Chris told his friend

"Did you want me to stay here with Abby? I understand if you don't trust someone else to look after you daughter," Grant told Melissa who was looking at him unsure. I trusted him with her heart and soul, but something was holding me back.

"Er.." I started. Chris looked at me. "Melissa, I trust him, do you?" Chris asked me. Nodding my head, I walked over to Abby. 

"Hey baby, Uncle Grant is going to look after you while Chris and I go see his dad ok." I started, "Are you two going on a date?" She asked, making me chuckle.

"No, but are you ok with Uncle grant looking after you?" I asked Abby again, who nodded and ran over to grant jumping into his lap.


Chris and I walked into the hospitable, and when as we were walking down the ward, Chris took my hand. 

"Remember you, my present wife," he told me with a wink giving me a peck on the cheek. It was more acting then real, though I wouldn't mind if it did happen.

We let do of each other's hands and walked into his dad's room to see him sitting up and talking to Chris Mum.

"Hi dad," Chris said, walking over to his dad hugging him not wanting to let him go. His father looked up at me smiling "Hi Melissa come here" he spoke, waving me over.

I gave him a hug smiling at his embrace. "Where is Abby?" He asked me "My Friend Grant is looking after her, back at your house?"I told him as he looked at Chris, who nodded. 

"Mr and Mrs Gustin raises amazing kids," he said me, nodding remembering the good times I had with his little sister. "That he is" I replied with a smile.

"How do you know him?" He asked me, smiling, remembering the time we met. "We met in high school, his parents and him helped my parents find a place out here" I explained to Mr wood smiling.

"That's lovely, Chris went to university with Grant, and I know his father very well, we two went to college together,' he explained.

We spent an hour with his father before we had to leave him for 24 hours before he could come home.


Abby was asleep in her room, exhausted from today and an afternoon as was I, tried I sat in bed with my iPad. I heard a soft knock my door, looking up, I smile. I saw him in a tight long sleeve shirt showing his muscles.

"Hi," I say smiling, "I didn't know you wore glasses?" He asked me as he sat on my bed. I took them off as he took my iPad and glasses and placed them on the ottoman at the end of my bed. "What.." I started but couldn't finish he kissed me on the lips leaning me back down on my bed.

I moved my hands around his neck, scrunching his hair. He got up walking towards the door. "What?" Am I that bad? He closed the door taking off his shirt, moving closer to me. He leaned me back down, kissing me again, more intensely, and he tried to move to hand up my shirt, but I sat up, pulling a pillow in front of me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked me, staying quiet. I didn't say anything. "Melissa you are beautiful," he told me creasing my cheek as I smiled, "How about we just take it slow, make out a little, I don't want to scare you off," he told me with a smile, kissing me again.

We laid next to each other, embracing each other until we fell asleep. 

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