Chapter 29

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Ok so here's what happened I forgot to write on Saturday, then on  Sunday morning I had an electrical storm where I live, hit our house and the house behind us, The lightning struck the tree, causing the elasticity to spread to our home, we lost our power, and it also fired our modem, so I have no internet all of Sunday, its not that bad but it meant I couldn't write :(  

Authors POV

The two now parents of three sat in the car, shocked that they were pregnant. They looked at each other, and gleefully smiled, giggling.

"Should we head home," Chris asked Melissa. She nodded her head and put her seat belt on. As did he?

"I don't want to tell anyone yet, maybe your mum, but not Abby" Melissa explained. Chris nods, pulling out of the doctor's office parking.

When they arrived home, Chris helped Melissa out of the car and walked through the door from the garage.

"Where home" Chris calls out, Abby comes running towards the two parents.

"Mummy daddy, I am so sorry I watched Tv while you were out, grammy didn't know the rules," Abby told the two standing in the hallway.

"That's ok babe, we won't take it off, these were unusual circumstances, but no TV or screen time for the rest of the evening," Melissa told her daughter, Abby nodded skipping back towards the kitchen.

"Mum?" Chris called out to his mother. I walked further into the house. They found her in the kitchen cooking dinner with Abby on a stool doing some drawing.

Chris kissed his mother. "Is everything ok?" Celia asked.

"Hey Baby, can you take that up to your room and get ready for your bath," Melissa asked her daughter.

Melissa helped Abby pack her colouring up so they could tell Celia the fantastic news. Chris and Melissa sat down, "So Melissa and I have something to tell you." Chris said his mum. She put down the knife.

Melissa and Chris look at each other.

"We're pregnant" The two parents spoke, Celia's face went from solemn to pure joy.

"But please don't tell anyone, we only just found out, we just want to sink in," Melissa asked Celia.

"It's your news to tell sweetheart," Celia tells the two new parents.

"Do you need me to do anything else?" Celia asked

"It ok, how about you and Mel get Abby ready, and I can finish dinner, would you like to stay for dinner?" Chris asked, "it's ok I should get home to your dad" Celia spoke "but I will be happy to help you get Abby ready," Celia told Melissa.

"I can do that, go get dad, we can all have dinner together" Chris pleaded with his mother.

"Ok, well if it's ok with you, Melissa. I'll continue to cook dinner," Celia asked Melissa.

Melissa nodded, smiling as Chris kissed her cheek, "I'll get my dad. I'll be back." Chris tells his mum and Mel taking his keys so he can get his father.

Melissa went upstairs to help get Abby ready, getting her bathed and changed into her pyjamas.

"Daddy Chris has gone to get his daddy, and we are all going to have dinner together," Melissa tells her daughter bathing her.

"Ya," Abby splashed around in the water.


Chris's parents, Melissa and Chris and Abby, sat down at the table ready to eat a pasta dinner.

"Melissa, you should invite your parents over, and we can meet the two people that made a marvellous youthful woman." Melissa smiled, As dinner ended, and they had served dessert, Abby got restless.

"I can put her to bed," Celia asked Melissa and Chris, nodded and smiled, giving Melissa and Chris time to tell his father.

"Dad, how about we move to the couch, Mel and I have something to tell you," Chris tells his father. Mr Wood gets up from his seat wiping nothing off his mouth, sliding out of his chair as they moved to the living room right behind the dining table.

Melissa and Chris held hands sitting in front of Mr Wood. "they didn't lead them into anything they just let it rip. Were pregnant" Melissa spoke smiling.

Mr Wood got up smiling, walking over to them, hugging them.

"Oh, that is marvellous news, Christopher, you're going be a father." Mr wood's voice boomed. He hugged the two, congratulating them.

Once Celia came down, it was about time for both her and Charles to leave to Melissa and Chris could clean up.

As they were cleaning up Melissa's phone chimed notifying her she has messages.

"Get it," Chris spoke, smiling. Melissa picked up her phone, smiling; she looked at Chris. "Hey my friends Jeremy and Chyle are coming into town, can I go out with them?" Melissa asked quietly.

"You know you need not ask me, yes you can, and If it's ok; Can I take Abby out for a little daddy-daughter dinner?" Chris asked Melissa.

"I think she would love that and thank you; I am just not used to it, I always had to ask," Melissa explained shyly smiling.


"Ok baby, I'm going out with Aunty Chyle and uncle Jeremy, you and Chris will go out for dinner and maybe Ice cream if your good" Melissa tells her baby girl as she's dressed in something dressier than she usually is and it made Chris light up.

"Have fun, she likes M&Ms in her ice cream, surprise her" Melissa whispers into Chris' ear. Smiling, he pecks her cheek, "Have a good night" He yells out as she walks out to a tooting horn from outside.

While Melissa is out her friends, Chris took Abby out for dinner and Ice cream, and she knew the best place an old school diner which had an excellent menu for all ages and Ice cream and milkshake bar.

Chris's POV

Abby and I have been having a wonderful time, and I have gotten to know so much about her. She is so much like her mother, particularly the fact that she wants to work with dinosaurs or even animals.

What's making me anxious at the moment is there someone who had been watching us. I need to use the Men's room.

"Ok Abs, I going to the little boy's room," I tell Abby about going up to the counter to let one of the servers in case this person is some kind of creep.

I wasn't in for 15 minutes, when I come out she's gone, I looked to see if the lady was there, she wasn't I raced over, "someone took my daughter," I yelled, which got a bystanders attention, I noticed someone stares at you two, I think they took here, I will help you since theses lunatics won't know when you asked kindly to watch.

We walked out of the cafe I tried to think who would do this. "Did you see what this person look like?" I asked the male around my age.

"He has blond hair; it's like it's freshly cut, black circle under his eyes, the black hoodie, um black jeans and um... pale skin, he looked tall." The male spoke. "Did he look like my daughter?" I asked.

"He did, but I thought she is your daughter, and Abby looked a lot likes her mother", The male told me.

"Shit" I cursed. 

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