Chapter 4

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Perrie's POV:

I woke up quite early. For me it was early at least.

I can't stop thinking about Beth. She is really mysterious. I feel electricity and warmth when she touches me. How is that even possible?

I've never met someone like her. I think she used to be different. Something in her life made her change, be closed up.

What could've happened in her past that would cause a breakdown? Jade's question was a pretty normal one. Maybe it wasn't necessarily a bad memory?

When she said she didn't have any siblings she took a long time to reply, and it seemed hard for her to say.

Why am I this focused on her though? I'm actually surprised that I was the one to talk to her first.

But when I saw her in that corner it felt right to go up to her.

And her burn mark. Obviously it has to be from fire. But how would it get to her shoulder? On her hands or arms it'd be more explainable. Was she in a house fire?

I'm hungry.

I stood up and noticed I was the last one to wake up. The usual I guess.

I showered and got dressed quickly. When I was done I was about to go out and saw Beth in the hallway. 

She seemed to be on the way to our room. As I looked at her more I noticed the fatigue in her eyes.

Hmm maybe I can eat later.

I decided to try and spend more alone time with her.

So I got back to the room since she didn't see me yet.

I went on my phone to pretend I didn't plan this whole thing. The door opened and Beth looked at me smiling. Her smile seems forced, which just makes me assume that my theory is true.

"So you finally woke up huh?" She asked smirking. I shrugged and replied, "I can sleep longer. I consider this early."

Afterwards silence surrounded us. I want to ask her so many things but I don't think she'd be glad about that.

"You're thinking so loud I can almost hear you." She joked. I sighed.

"Where are the others?" I asked finally.

"After they ate they talked about doing something together. So I was actually here to wake you. Come on let's go eat." She said.

I frowned, "Haven't you eaten?" I asked. Did she really wait up for me?

"Nah I waited. You know, to keep you company." She seemed to grow shy after her confession. My heart fluttered at that.

"Aww. Thank you." I said. She shrugged. This girl is hard to crack. But I will get there. I swear.

We went to the kitchen to eat. We held a little talk and somehow ended up talking about my non existent sense of smell.

"So you never smelled anything?" She asked. Her interest made me smile.

"Nope. Never." I said shrugging. Sometimes I wish I could smell, but I'm glad that it's only my sense of smell that's missing. Being Visually impaired or deaf is way worse.

"Well it has positive sides too at least." She said. Was that an attempt to cheer me up?

"Yes I think so as well. And it could be worse." I said. She nodded.

We finally arrived at the kitchen and apparently Beth knew what she wanted to eat right away. She looked for a small bowl and a spoon. She took cornflakes and milk and poured in a little.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now