Chapter 36

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Beth's POV:

The next morning I woke up and was still not hit with an immense amount of sadness. I don't know why but I'm really taking this well.

I've already let workers pick up the furniture of my father and let them bring the boxes with my family's stuff to my flat. I will bring his clothes to goodwill tomorrow and then give the landlord the key back.

Then I'm done.

The girls have already woken up and we all got dressed.

"Are you ready babes?" Leigh asked and held my hand.

"Yeah." I smiled at her.

We all went out and walked to the graveyard. The girls at first were reluctant but then remembered that everything was close by.

In front of the graveyard was one person I really didn't want to see.

"Beth. So great to see you." Kristen said with her fake compassion.

"You know you aren't allowed here today. Go home Kristen." I said.

The girls looked confused and Sam looked furious and was about to bash her.

"You have some nerve. Showi-" I cut her off and held her back as she was really about to throw it down.

"Calm down." I said.

"What? She never did it for you in school, now that she actually has the guts to do something you don't want her to?" Kristen mocked.

"I don't see why you are here. Don't you have a job to do or hobbies?" I asked.

Honestly I could be the meanest person to her Right now, but there are two reasons why I won't do anything.

First, I actually don't care about her anymore and I don't want to stoop that low again.

Second, she could have a plan, because I know this girl and she doesn't come to me without a thorough plan on how to fuck me over.

"Oh I thought it'd be more important to check up on my friend." She said. Then she looked behind me and I guess she only now noticed that the rest of Little Mix are here as well.

"Oh pardon, I haven't even introduced myself to you guys yet. I'm Kristen Harris. Beth and I are best pals." She said.

The girls didn't say anything. They aren't stupid. It's obvious she's playing some game.

"Yeah it was nice seeing you Kristen and all, but we have a funeral to attend." I said and stepped past her.

"Have fun!" She said. I just shook my head and the girls followed inside.

"Ms. Fields. My condolences. Shall we begin now?" The priest asked.

I nodded and we sat down in the front row.

I just listened and thought about Kristen. It can't be normal that she is that obsessed with me is it? 

We then went outside and the coffin where my father was in was open for one last time. I looked down at his lifeless, but well groomed body and whispered, "Say hello to them for me. Goodbye Dad." 

I watched them bury him in his spot inbetween My mother and Alison. The girls all looked at the collection of tombstones in front of them. 

On the tombstones were pictures of them all so they went through them all. Sam stood by my side as we were a bit farther from the girls.

"Why won't you give that bitch what she deserves?" She asked me shaking her head.

"I'm better than that. We are better than that. I shouldn't have ever done what she did. I wasn't better than her in that moment. I understand your frustration. Trust me I've had it ten times more than you. I always could've done it. But you know how mom was. The fact that I did after their death is even worse. She would be so disappointed in me. I won't ever do something that would've disappointed her again." I said.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now