Chapter 29

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Perrie's POV:

For almost a year we've been trying to workout a new album. And bless Kamille, she literally saved our career with her and some other people. They wrote the song that our label officially approved of, Black Magic.

She lifted all of our worries. We then started writing and soon our album Get Weird will be released. It's ready it's done and it's approved of by our label.

On the 6th of November, meaning in about 3 months our album will be released.

Me and Zayn are still only engaged and lately he has been really weird. Distant and on edge. We haven't really seen each other that much as well. I miss him.

Since Black Magic was released we had a lot of places to perform at. Apparently our label really like that song because they never promoted anything as much as they promoted Black Magic. 

Beth has been getting into more and more arguments with Nathan. They started having a lot of private meetings with her and we just assumed that they told her off in these meetings, but if that would've been the case then she wouldn't still be that aggressive towards them. 

When we ask her she straight up shuts down. Literally zero information. She immediately either changes subjects, leaves the room or stays quiet. In general she's becoming more and more quiet. Before she was kinda more talkative, like in interviews or when we were hanging out. But since we all decided to live seperately she grew more distant. 

I guess that's our mistake.

Currently we are in the US. Tomorrow we will go to the airport and fly back home. This evening there is another event our label wanted us to attend. Apparently some big producers will be there as well. 

As I got ready, I started thinking how we can get Beth back. I don't even really know how to explain. It's like a back and forth of 'I'm great' and then her being quiet not talking, having dark circles under her eyes and completely being mute. Not a single sound literally.

It seems like something is majorly stressing her out. Especially after her meetings with Nathan and Simon. I would die to find out what they are about.

Another thing I noticed was after these meetings she'd be kinda... I don't know, unsure of our friendship?

Like she literally would start doubting everything and it made me so upset. What are they doing to her?

Some days she would come into the studio looking absolutely defeated.

I sighed. She won't ever tell us.

I was done and made my way to the lobby seeing all the other girls there, ready to go.

"Let's go." Jade said.

Our drive was uneventful. We all talked about our expanding fan base that has now reached Germany as well as a lot of other countries.

"We arrived." Our driver said. We thanked him and went inside. There a was a big table and there was kind of like our labels seat. Pretty close by was a round table with a sign saying 'Little Mix' on it. So we sat down there.

Soon the event started rolling. Nathan and Simon as well as some of our other bosses arrived an greeted us.

I felt Beth tense up next to me. I frowned. Why is she suddenly having such an extreme reaction to their presence?

2 hours later Simon came up to us with a guy.

"Girls, I want you to meet the hotshot producer of the US." He said.

The guy smiled at us and shook our hands.

"I heard some of your songs girls. You have some real talent." He complimented.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now