Chapter 67

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Perrie's POV

It felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. Seeing her with gasoline all around her, broken and tired, how did I not see it before?

I was blinding myself with the pure bliss I was feeling thanks to her, but I never actually checked how she was doing. I tried and I thought I did a good job.

But clearly, I thought wrong.

I failed her. She trusted me, she trusted me to be her rock, I failed. She again felt the need to handle all of it alone.

"Leigh, you take my car and get yours then go home. Beth will come with me. You can leave my car standing there. Keep the keys, I'll get them soon." Sam said.

"Wait what? What do you mean Beth will come with you?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later. Right now... I need to think. With her." Sam said and they left us standing there.

Beth followed and didn't say a word. She didn't even look at us.

"What the fuck happened?" Jesy mumbled.

"I didn't even clear anything up." I said sadly.

They had already driven away.

"You will soon bubs. Come on we'll drive home again." Leigh said pulling me with her.

I followed them and we drove in complete silence.

What does Sam need to talk to her about? And why won't she tell me?

I hope I'll find out soon.


Sam's POV:

Beth was completely quiet since we left.

"Why so mute all of a sudden?" I asked.

"Where are we going?" She mumbled still looking ahead.

"Our safe place." I hummed.

"The house will break down if we climb onto the roof." She said.

"It won't. And if it does... both of us have a health insurance." I shrugged.

She stayed quiet again.

Her and Perrie need time apart. As much as it pains me to have to do this to both of them, it's not healthy. Right now it isn't.

If Beth seriously felt the need to take her life after she thought Perrie would break up with her then that is a major red flag.

At first Perrie did do good for her. And Beth still is awesome for Perrie, but Beth isn't at all in the place mentally for a relationship. She needs to get that sorted out before.

If Perrie ever were to really want to leave, Beth wouldn't handle it. She'd either go onto a complete dark path including alcohol and drugs, or she would take her own life.

She let herself get attached to Perrie so much, at first I was happy, she was opening herself up as I always wanted her to, but then it took a toxic turn.

I still believe one day they will end up together, but right now? They need to break up, and I need to explain to Beth and then to Perrie.

It will hurt them both incredibly, but it has to be done in order for Beth to actually develop herself mentally.

I know it may cause them some trouble career wise. They are in the middle of touring their biggest tour yet, and they're working on their fifth album soon enough as well.

Obviously both of them will be depressed as hell, so that won't do any good.

But if I don't let them break up now, when will they? They don't ever get a break.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now