Chapter 54

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Beth's POV:

I've been in the hospital for a week now. And I still don't know who the fuck these people are.

I'm truly trying, but now that they can't tell me anything at all its hard. They are afraid of blocking my memories from coming back.

What kind of logic is that? Is that Doctor even sure what he's doing?

Something inside me itches to be close to them. And I want it gone. I don't know if I've processed my family's death since I've met them, but I definitely don't feel like that at all right now.

Oh and not only that, my father's gone too now. Apparently him and I had our goodbye.

Now that's gone too.

Dr. Brown said they could release me today. I'm just waiting to sign the papers.

All of them visited me everyday. Honestly it's been silent all the time. Apparently they all just wanted to see me.

I'm trying to be sensitive to them, because I can sense that they are hurting.

I truly want to remember them, because I feel an itch to be close to them. That has to mean something. It's like my mind is screaming at me to be with them.

Especially with Perrie, the blonde one.

She hasn't uttered another word after that day. She is always sitting relatively far away from the bed, with a blank expression looking at me from time to time, when she thinks I don't notice.

The looks she gives me are deadly. They bore through me and I felt completely seen. It's like they are almost strangling me to the point where I can't take the tension.

Who is she to me? She can't be like my other band mates.

There is something about her that makes my heart skip a beat. And now that has never happened before.

To my knowledge, at least.

We apparently also live together as I've found out. So we had to have a very special bond. I would never move in with someone I barely even like. Only with people I couldn't live without.

That has to mean something, like come on.

I stood up from the hospital bed and looked in the mirror and sighed.

Slowly there was little brown hair growing but it wasn't a cute look. As if I needed that on top of my insecurities.

I'm fucking 23 years old. I remember being 17. No wonder Sam looked way more grown to me.

Not to mention my body, there are more curves.

Not to an extreme but it was there.

I don't really want to be curvy though. I look ugly.

Jesus, I'm a fucking celebrity now apparently. We even won a freaking BRIT Award. That's at least what Google told me. So we must have made some success.

I also wanted to watch our music videos just to get a basic vibe of our music, but I wasn't allowed to.

Apparently Dr. Brown truly believes the bullshit he said about me not remembering any of that afterwards.

Okay maybe I should shut up. That guy literally went to college for that.

Finally the nurse entered and said smiling, "After you sign the papers at the front you may leave."

"Thank you." I smiled back politely.

At the front I signed the papers quickly. Leigh-Anne was meant to pick me up.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now