Chapter 3

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Beth's POV:

After my encounter with Tulisa I felt bad. I forgot how exhausting caring was.

Maybe she really was worried about me? No, be smart Beth. She is an internationally famous woman, why should she care about you inbetween every other contestant?

My group and I had one huge room for ourselves. When I stepped inside the room they were all seated in a circle. Jade made space for me inbetween her and Perrie.

I went there and sat down and they continued talking.

"So, How about we play 20 questions?" Jesy asked smirking. That girl is definitely gonna be the tease in this group.

"How does that work?" Perrie asked.

Jesy shrugged and explained, "In my borough, it was always someone's turn and they had to answer 20 questions. After they answered it's the next ones turn."

They all agreed and I genuinely didn't want to play this shit. Now they could ask any question and I'd have to answer.

They started off. It was Leigh-Anne's turn.

"So Leigh Leigh, let's start easy, are you a virgin?" Jesy asked. Leigh-Anne looked flushed and Jade had her mouth open in shock whereas Perrie had her hand in front of her mouth stifling a laugh.

Leigh then started answering, "Uh No I'm not." Jesy started laughing and the other two did as well.

Then Perrie continued, "Well when did you lose it?" She asked. Wow if they would only ask these kind of questions then I have no worries.

"Are you serious?" Leigh asked annoyed, "I don't know anymore maybe 6 months ago." She then answered.

Jade then asked, "Do you have any siblings?" Jade definitely needs to be protected.

Leigh answered, "Yes I have two older sisters, Sian and Sairah" Oh god please don't let anyone of them ask me this.

Oh it's my turn, what should I ask her? Hmm I'm just gonna improvise, "Can you speak any other language than English?" I asked. Hey that's an interesting question isn't it?

Leigh answered, "No, learning languages was never my strength." Well then.

It was Jesy's turn again. Poor Leigh. Jesy asked smirking, "Who's your celebrity crush?"

Leigh blushed again, yep I was definitely right about Jesy being the tease. Leigh answered, "Justin Bieber."

I had the urge to gag. That guy was weird and definitely gonna be a fuckboy when he grows up.

This is gonna be a long night.

Skip the questioning of the girls since you all know them

"Finally it's Beth's turn!" Perrie said excitedly.

I raised an eyebrow, "Chill I'm not that interesting." I said shrugging.

What I found out about them was definitely more than enough.

Jade has an older brother called Karl. Perrie has an older brother called Jonnie and a younger half sister called Caitlin. Jesy has three siblings as well, her older sister Jade, her older brother Jonathan and her younger brother Joseph.

Jesy is from Romford and 20. She can do a lot of accents and I almost laughed when she did them. Wow they are really changing me.

I also found stuff out like 'what's your favourite position?' Or 'Craziest place you ever had sex?' All thanks to Jesy.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now