Chapter 53

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Perrie's POV:

Beth forgot me.

The love of my life forgot me.

It completely broke me. I didn't even really think about her forgetting me. I was more worried about her survival chances.

I've been crying my eyes out and sobbing for about 15 minutes now. All of us needed time to let it sink in.

But she didn't only forget me, she forgot the girls and her entire path to stardom. She doesn't know that people would crowd her if she were to step outside this hospital right now.

Oh god. She still thinks her father is alive.

Sam has been by my side the whole time. The others really weren't in a condition themselves to console me. Except for my mother anyways. She definitely wasn't happy about Beth forgetting her but she took it more well than us.

After we all calmed ourselves down we made our way to Beth's room again. Sam said that Dr. Brown said we could tell her everything. We'll just have to see how she reacts.

Stepping inside the room her eyes immediately found mine. She looked very worn out. Her eyes were droopy and she smiled weakly at me.

God I love her.

Sam sat down next to her and all of us kept a distance. To her, we are strangers right now.

"So... are you guys gonna tell me what happened?" She asked.

Sam nodded and I knew she wasn't at all ready to tell Beth about her father being gone.

Fuck... She forgot everything he told her. That him and her ended it in good terms.

"First of all, it's the year 2017." Sam started off. Beth's head turned to her so fast that I was afraid she'd have whiplash.

"You're joking right? I can't possibly not remember 6 years of my life." Beth said.

"Yes you can. What's your last memory?" Sam asked.

"We were on our way to your house from the graveyard." She said.

Sam sighed.

"Well... ever since then, I made you go to the X Factor where you were put into a girl group with these four girls called Little Mix. That woman right there mentored you to victory and that woman right there is Perrie's mother Debbie." Sam started off.

"You know I'd prefer if you actually told me something believable. There's no way I went to the X Factor and won. I wouldn't forget that. Especially not the people I work with on the daily." Beth said.

"Do I look Like I'm joking?" Sam asked looking at her seriously.

"Guess not." Beth muttered, "Where is dad?" Beth asked impatiently.

"In 2016, your father was in a car accident. Him and you had eight hours before he died and he died peacefully." Sam said not being able to look at her.

Beth was expressionless. A complete poker face.

"So you're telling me, not only did my entire family die in a fucking fire, but my father died from the wounds of a car accident and I had a brain tumour? I swear this family is cursed." Beth said.

She's acting really nonchalantly right now. Then I realised that right now, this is the same Beth I met for the first time. Cynical, and not positive in anything at all. And hiding her pain from everything and everyone.

Then her gaze found mine.

"Who are you all? Like in general." She asked.

We all looked to Sam. None of us had the strength to talk with a normal voice.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now