Chapter 69

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Perrie's POV:

When a man stepped into the living room, at first I was scared, thinking someone was breaking in.

But when I actually looked at him, he looked familiar.

I just can't remember where I've seen him.

But well, after Sam and Beth's reaction I remembered.

He looked different, older obviously, he has a beard now but not too much. Just the perfect amount. He was well groomed so it's not like he actually resurrected or some fantasy stuff.

It's Noah. The one who was supposed to lie in the graveyard in Fordwich.

Beth was completely losing it. She couldn't stop sobbing.

Sam couldn't either. Even though I didn't know him, obviously I was shocked. So were the girls, they saw him in pictures as well and remembered.

Slowly Beth calmed down and Sam stood up and hugged him as well.

"Where the fuck were you Noah?" Beth asked sobbing.

He sighed and pulled them both in again, he needed it just as much as them.

"I'll explain, promise. Just... let's have this moment." He said.

If I'm not mistaken he's 25 right now because Beth is gonna be 23 soon.

Me and the girls just sort of sat there confused but also kind of happy for them having this moment.

After a minute or two they let go and Noah looked at us.

"Nice to meet you." He smiled at us.

We smiled back and he said, "It will be nice to get to know you soon, but right now, I've got a lot of explaining to do." He said and looked to Beth who still was in shock.

"We'll leave you guys to it." I said and stood up.

The girls were about to stand up when Beth for the first time since that incident addressed us again, "Wait. Stay." She said simply and sat down next to me.

I smiled mentally. She wanted me near her for comfort. I'm still able to comfort her at least.

Noah sat down in front of us and looked to Beth.

"This is gonna be hard to wrap your head around, but hey what's new?" He asked making Beth smile very weakly.

I still can't believe that this is her brother. Right here. In front of us. Speaking. Breathing.


"Back then, when it happened. I was out. All of you went to sleep after we had awesome fun and I wasn't tired at all. So I decided to take a walk in the forest. You know me, I loved the night and the forest. Well... that night like you and Alison always told me, I did get seriously hurt." He started off.

Well that makes sense. He wasn't in the house when the fire started.

"I can't remember exactly how it happened, but I fell off the cliff and I was unconscious down there. Normally I wouldn't have gotten any help until all of you woke up, but that fire was my life saving. Although I'd rather not have my life saved like that. The paramedics looked around the mansion and everywhere. There they found me, at the bottom of the cliff, because I'm an idiot. I didn't remember anything. Like I forgot my whole life. All of you. Since we were out of Fordwich and I told them I didn't remember they simply nursed me back to health. It was a different town where no one knew us." He said.

"But they counted the bodies. They had found your body. That's what they told me." Beth said with a shaky voice.

"Did you identify said body?" He asked.

She stayed quiet and then shook her head, "I couldn't handle identifying any of you."

"So they tried to find family but I had nothing on me. My guess as to why they didn't tell you a body was missing is because they thought it was unnecessary troubles. Fucking system." He scoffed.

"Anyhow, I didn't have anything with me, ID, drivers license, I had nothing. I don't know how they didn't count two and two together. I wasn't far from the mansion and a body was missing. Either they didn't care or are genuinely stupid. So since I had no memories and no family ever came to get me, I moved on. I moved to Newcastle. I didn't know what else to do. The hospital helped me financially since, again, I didn't have anything. I found a job, a pretty good paying job, and paid off the things they helped me with as well as my hospital bill." He said.

Beth was hanging onto his every word comprehending it all.

"You are telling me that they seriously, either knew you were alive or just were sloppy about checking their facts?" She said. She was in shock but also slowly started fuming in rage.

"Calm down. Story telling isn't over yet." Noah smiled.

I held her hand and Noah caught that movement immediately. He smirked to himself but dropped it quickly so no one would notice.

Anyhow Beth calmed down immediately.

"I was working, built a good life for me and actually had a pretty great life." He said sighing.

"Until your memories came back one day and destroyed it all." Beth said.

"God no. I was happy on the surface, but something inside me was missing. I wasn't able to just say 'fuck it. Guess I don't have any family that cares about me.' So I slowly started looking into it. I googled what happened around the area that day and an article from Fordwich caught my eye." He said.

"Large Family celebrating a members birthday. Accidental Fires." He recalled.

"I looked into it but one day the articles were there and suddenly they were gone. I knew you were alive, but I didn't remember anything yet. Then I saw another article, 'Little Mix on their way to victory.' I found out you were on the X Factor. However, I watched you perform and you won. I knew there was something about you that linked you to me. Still though, none of my memories returned." He said sighing.

Then he said, "So I continued living my life. Nothing helped, the articles were gone and that's it. For years I was just living with no memories and yeah. Most recently I got them back. Three days ago to be exact. I went back to Fordwich. I had to go there because of business. People there looked at me like they had seen a ghost. Then some even started talking to me. I looked at them confused and then they thought that maybe I'm just someone who looks a lot like him. But I knew something was wrong. I stayed in Fordwich and then I remembered the articles again after years. I went to the graveyard. I found our family's space. Imagine my surprise when I saw a name with my picture on a tombstone."

"Then I saw the pictures of everyone else and that made all of the memories shoot back through my skull. After I got them back I was shocked, obviously sad, but I knew I had to find you. Since I got them back I tried to do as much research on you as possible to find out where you live." He explained.

"How did you find out?" Beth asked.

"I knew you were living in London. Honestly it was a complete coincidence. I saw you and Sam driving in a direction so I just followed. I had a strong urge to just leave my car and run to you but I thought it would be better to do this privately." He explained.

"And how did you get in?" She asked.

"I have my ways." He smirked jokingly.

That is definitely Beth's brother.

Beth and Sam sat there completely quiet. He did say it would be hard to wrap your head around.

The girls and I had the same trouble.

I guess Noah Fields is still alive then.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now