Chapter 71

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Beth's POV:

"So, start with back then." Noah said listening intently.

"About what?" I asked.

"Tell me what happened afterwards. On the funeral, with dad, everything. And after you've caught me up on that we'll talk about how we can help you." He said.

"The fire happened. Me and Sam were the only survivors allegedly. Now we can see that was a lie. Dad came racing like a madman. At first he was compassionate about it. Thought about me. But after the funeral he started drinking and blaming me. After that started I always stayed at Sam's. The funeral and the paying of the mansion completely brought us down. We were in debt of 50000 pounds. I tried to focus on how to get that paid mostly, because I seriously couldn't handle focusing on having all of you gone. I avoided dad and Sam convinced me to go the X Factor. As I've told you, our group formed and we won. I used all my part of the price money and paid off the debt. I went back to Fordwich and visited dad. He slapped me after I asked him for forgiveness. Him and I weren't doing so well relationship wise. I still took care of him though. I made him move out of our house and got him a flat which I paid for and also always went there to leave him food, and everything else you need. I cleaned up, did the laundry. He couldn't be bothered. But it was fine for me. As long as he would forgive me one day it would all be worth it. In 2016, he was in a car crash. That day he apologised and we made up. He left and took a lot of weight off my shoulders." I said.

"Okay, so, dad was a jerk for doing that. But he redeemed himself I guess. Anyways, what happened afterwards? Why did you want to kill yourself?" He asked straightforwardly.

"Because of the amount of work we always do, I didn't even have time to properly grieve over you all. A week ago, when we had a concert in Amsterdam, I woke up at night sweating because of a nightmare. I couldn't handle it anymore that night. I had to do something. Anything to calm myself down. So I found a guy who hooked me up. He gave me Xanax. I took one pill. The next day Jesy immediately noticed and pretty much almost ripped my head off. She threw the pills away and made me tell Perrie. I did that today, in the morning. Because of my many issues I told her it'd be fine if she wanted to break up with me. I took her silence as a yes. So I left. I went to our old house and then to the graveyard. I couldn't anymore. I swear Noah I couldn't. I know you are disappointed. I myself am embarrassed. But it was too much. Sam and the girls found me and stopped me though. And while Sam explained how Perrie and I need a break you walked in." I explained.

"Wow." He looked mind-blown.

"I agree with Sam." He said.

"Who doesn't? Somehow she always has points." I sighed.

"Now I need you to answer me something you didn't ever since it happened. Why did you stop eating?" He asked.

May as well tell him when everyone knows.

Instead of wasting my time taking I let Kristens call play.

He listened and wore an expression of anger on his face.

"You mean to tell me this bitch, who continously tried to get with me, was the one making you go through all of this?" He said. If Kristen was here she'd already be 6 feet underground.

"Wait. She tried to get with you?" I asked. That was news to me.

"Yeah. She always made an effort but I wasn't interested at all. I mean it was obvious she was faking her 'cute act'." He said shaking his head.

"Why didn't you tell us? I would've made her shut up fastly and everyone else as well." He said.

"I believed her Noah. I was embarrassed." I said.

"That will change after we get you the necessary help." He assured.

"I don't know what to do. Sam has a point about Perrie, but it would create a divide in the band. One of the main reasons our fans love us is our genuine friendship and no fights. I'm stuck. I can't stay with her because it will end up badly if we don't take a break, but if I do, there will be awkward tension between all of us." I said.

"Trust in her then. She loves you right? So trust her. You guys will reconnect as friends and afterwards when you get better it can start becoming more again." He said.

"You have to speak to her alone about this." He added.

I nodded and then said, "Enough about me. You've told me about your job, your friends. There isn't anyone special in your life?" I asked.

"Not really. No one in particular caught my eye. I dated a few girls in the past years but none ever were 'the one' as mom and dad called it." He said.

"You have a crush on Sam again?" I asked and smirked.

"I never even had one!" He denied a little embarrassed.

"On a completely separate note, is she taken?" He asked.

Fuck. I know these two always liked being around each other a lot. But Sam moved on because she thought she had to. This will disappoint him. I can't lie to him though.

"Yes..." I trailed off.

His entire enthusiasm vanished.

"But she had a really hard time to move on." I added trying to make it better.

"It's alright. I can't expect her to forever be single." He laughed it off.

To be honest, I don't think they are truly meant for each other. They were more of these childhood crushes. But as already mentioned, they mean a lot to each other. Noah never was able to view Sam like a sister though, unlike me and Alison.

But he'll get over it.

"And how does it affect you now? With the memories back?" I asked.

"It was a hard pill to swallow. When I remembered I sat at the graveyard for two hours bawling my eyes out. But it was also easier to accept because it's long ago. I wasn't present when they got buried or when their bodies were found. When the fire actually started. So I guess that's why it's easier for me. I still miss them. That won't stop. But at least I have you." He smiled.

We talked for about another hour and Nandos was about to close. So we stood up and drove back to mine.

"Are you gonna stay here?" I asked with hope in my voice.

"I actually got a job promotion. Here in London." He smiled.

I smiled as well happy to have my brother close to me.

"So you have a place to stay here then?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm pretty sure it's not too far from you." He said.

We looked and indeed, it's only 15 minutes by car.

"I'll meet your mates some other time. Give me Sam's number. Her and I need to catch up as well. Don't worry, I'm not gonna bring any old crushes up. Judging by you not encouraging me to do anything she is happy with her current relationship. I need to go home though. Work tomorrow." He smiled and hugged me.

"Alright then." I said. He turned around walking to his car.

"Noah," I stopped him.

He turned around looking at me with a questioning expression.

"I missed you and I love you." I said.

He smiled.

"But you are still annoying." I added.

He laughed, "That will never change will it? Otherwise I wouldn't be acting like your older brother anymore."

"Also, I missed you and love you too." He added.

We smiled at each other and he finally left.

Great, now another talk is waiting for me.


A/N: Do any of you enjoy this book still?

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