Chapter 6

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You guys I still can't get over these outfits, the stylists there did them dirty. But of course they pulled it off

Beth's POV:

I was tired out of my mind. Sam will go back to Fordwich today. Since I'm gonna move in with my group which is so kindly paid by the X Factor, I don't need an escort anymore. I do need my best friend though, but I'm not gonna hold her back.

I was at the Wembley Stadium waiting for them. We also have our personal driver now which is a little weird for me but I'll get used to it.

Since that day at the airport I didn't talk to them. Well more like I couldn't because we didn't meet up and I don't have a phone. I could've called Jesy with Sam's phone but I didn't want to. It felt relieving telling them but I let them in. They could expose me at any time. I'm vulnerable to them. That wasn't the image I wanted.

I sighed and leaned my head back. Where the hell are they?

As if on cue, Jade stepped inside and spotted me walking up to me.

Ever since she told us her story about bullying and anorexia I understood why she was this quiet, I related to her in some sort of way.

I think when she is finally back to her full confidence and comfort she will be more talkative.

She hugged me and I was again caught by surprise, I'll have to get used to this as well.

"Why did you leave the airport?" She asked.

When she talks now it's not as quiet and she doesn't seem as shy.

"I met up with Sam." I tried to take that as an excuse.

She frowned, "Yeah I could've guessed that. But I mean why didn't you at least say goodbye or ate dinner with us?" She asked.

Well damn did they forget that I was poor? Sam and her mom are already paying enough for me. I'm sure as hell not gonna add to that.

I didn't answer and she got that I didn't want to talk about this right now. 

"Fine. But you know you can trust me, please?" She said.

I don't want to tell her. But why don't I? Fucking emotions. Fucking messed up head.

"I just..." how the fuck can I tell her I didn't want to come because of the money? It's embarrassing.

I sighed. Then I smiled to let her know I'm fine. Well I'm not but that's beside the point.

"I'll tell you some other time okay?" I said. She sighed but then smiled and nodded as well.

Then finally Leigh-Anne arrived. She wanted to ask me as well but Jade told her I wasn't in the mood for that now.

I wonder if Perrie and Jesy will let me off this easy.

Probably not.

Then finally they both arrived. They saw me and Perrie looked upset and Jesy looked upset as well.

Jesy then sat down next to me and started rambling, "Beth! Why did you leave? We told you we wanted to eat afterwards and we wanted you to meet our mother's! We also wanted to meet Sam!"

I myself actually started to get mad. I'm not obligated to listen to them. Yes I should. But I don't have to.

Nonetheless I answered calmly but harsh, "Well not everyone gets what they want. Bitter truth of this world."

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