Chapter 8

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Beth's POV:

After our last performance we had to change our band name. Apparently there already is a group out there called Rhythmix.

Our new name now is Little Mix. It fit us since it kinda was a pick and mix.

Jesy has been feeling pretty down lately. People have been writing some nasty comments about her and God how I wanted to bash them. I could see how insecure it made her and I felt that pain throughout my entire body. I've been trying to cheer her up everyday and I'm so glad it's working. The girls are doing that as well and Jesy is getting distracted. But distraction won't help in the long run.

I know what I'm talking about.

However this week we will perform E.T. by Katy Perry and with some sort of horror makeup. This time it won't be embarrassing at least.

Soon the day I dreaded will come. Actually it's the day right after our performance which is tomorrow. That would make it 4 months.

The girls have been getting along just fine. I guess at least for the outside it looks like I am as well.

Well okay I'm getting along with them but I still can't completely trust them with everything. I can't even trust Sam completely so I'm not surprised.

I am surprised though about how fast they made me feel comfortable enough to not feel the need to put up an extreme act. How they can touch me and my body doesn't automatically cringe.

They have all been noticing when I don't want to eat and every time they tell me to eat. I stopped listening to them. I've been eating way too much.

As I stepped into our living room at 3 am to get some water since I couldn't sleep anyway, I saw Jesy and heard her sobbing.

I frowned and got angry. Of course it's gotta be because of those fucking stupid people in the internet.

I slowly went up to her and she looked up at me surprised.

"Oh... Beth, Why aren't you sleeping?" She asked.

"I was. But I got thirsty and wanted to drink something. What's wrong?" I asked sitting down next to her.

She sighed and more tears flowed out, "You know... the comments." She said.

I sighed and hugged her. She immediately reciprocated the hug and cried into my shoulder.

"Jesy, you are one of the most unique and beautiful people I've ever seen. Don't believe these people. They are jealous because they can never be as great as you are. Your personality is one of a kind. Everyone that meets you loves you immediately. These people don't know what they are talking about. It's either little kids that can't even write properly and think they are funny, or some old douche that doesn't have any hobbies or life to focus on." I said. For the last part she started laughing.

I knew that distracting her wouldn't have worked. You can't run from your problems. Believe me, I tried.

"Thank you Beth. I know you aren't one to show a lot of emotions." She said.

I decided to joke a little, "Yeah don't get used to it." I said.

She giggled and pushed me jokingly.

"So... why were you really awake?" She asked.

Way to kill the mood Jess.

"What do you mean? I told you I was thirsty." I said trying to get her to leave it.

But it's Jesy we're talking about here.

"Okay... and now the truth." She said.

I sighed and she pulled away from the hug and looked at me, "Nightmare?" She asked.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now