Chapter 70

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Beth's POV:

My brother is alive. My brother is fucking alive.

After he told me his story I just sat there taking it all in and letting it sink.

He's been alive the entire time.

"Can you please speak?" He asked anxiously.

"Kinda a lot to take in." I said.

"I know. But please tell me you aren't mad at me." He said.

"Of course I'm not mad at you. This isn't your fault. Just shitty people and shitty things." I sighed.

"How about you two go and catch up with each other. Take him to Nandos, Beth. We'll catch up later as well Noah." Sam smiled at Noah.

The girls all smiled at me and him as well. Perrie squeezed my hand again in reassurance.

There are a lot of things happening at the moment. Four hours ago I wanted to take my life, but instead, my brother returned.


Wordlessly, I went out and Noah said goodbye to them and then followed.

"We've got a lot of catching up to do lil sis." He smirked putting his arm around me.

I let myself smile. I missed him so fucking much. So fucking much.

Tears stung my eyes. I seriously have my brother back.

He noticed and sighed.

"About that and about the rest. We'll talk about our load of trauma later. Let's get into the happy stuff first." He smiled wiping my tears away.

He is different than I remember. Not in a bad way, just more mature and not so annoying.

But I guess that's natural. Obviously he's more mature and obviously I won't find him as annoying anymore. I will never take family for granted again.

We sat down in my car and I started it.

"I hope you're a good driver. I can't stand bad driving." He said putting his seat belt on.

I smirked to myself. Leigh won't get to drive with Noah in the car then.

"Im decent." I said and started driving with extra care to show off a little.

We made it to Nandos with perfect driving.

"Is that good enough for you?" I asked.

"Ah, you at least met my expectations." He shrugged but smiled afterwards.

We stepped inside Nandos and ordered.

"Wow, you've started ordering without needing forcing. What's up with that?" He joked.

"One of the things you need to catch up on." I shrugged.

Oh great. He will probably also find out about my suicide attempt just hours ago.


"So... I knew about you because of your incredible fame in the U.K. but I didn't really follow your journey as much. Tell me, how was your path to stardom?" He asked.

"Well... I didn't really get into it because of my passion for it at first." I said.

"Why else?" He asked.

"I needed money. And you know how Fordwich is with jobs. Especially for people who share our blood." I said.

He nodded in understanding, "But nowadays you do it out of passion right? It makes you happy?" He asked.

"I'd be lying if I said no. I always dreamed of this. I love performing for a crowd. I love our fans. I love it all. Except for the hate, and our label. Honestly this would be a dream if I wouldn't have all this weight from my past." I said.

"What's wrong with your label?" He asked.

"Simon Cowell is a world class misogynist and does everything he can to not let us have freedom. He wants us to not write, to be quiet and not voice our opinion and follow all of his wishes. Sadly our contract won't let us go." I said.

Noah's jaw clenched.

"When are you free to go?" He asked trying to relax.

"After we released our fifth album." I answered.

"You already have released four right?" He asked.

I nodded and he said, "Good."

So afterwards I caught him up on our songs and achievements.

"You won a Brit Award?" He asked impressed.

I nodded and he smirked, "Wow. That's some real statement, especially if you never even get proper promotion by your shitty label."

"Alright now that I'm caught up career wise, and apparently health wise, which I still don't get how we never noticed, what about relationship wise?" He smirked.

"What about it?" I asked.

"Don't think I didn't see that blonde girl being all touchy with you, you hated human body contact last that I checked." He said.

"Also, I don't really know their names so it'd be great if you catch me up on who they are as well." He added.

"Well... there's Jade, she is just a fucking weirdo. But that's exactly why I love her. Well amongst other reasons. She is funny, smart, fights for what's right and a very good friend. Caring and loyal." I started.

I showed him pictures because he just doesn't know them at all.

"That's Jesy, she's the mother of the group. She immediately shuts us down if any of us try to do stupid stuff. She's very smart and an inspiring person. She's caring and loyal as well. All of them are. All of them are activists and want to change something." I said.

Noah nodded and said, "So just like you then?"

I smiled to myself, "No, I'm just learning from them. I'm way too dysfunctional to actually do anything."

Before he could say something I continued, "Anyhow, Jesy is also very strong, she probably gets the most trolls. She handles it though and I'm very proud of her."

"Then there's Leigh-Anne, she is the human embodiment of kindness. She doesn't have it in her to be mean or rude. It feels like we all are very protective of her." I said.

I tried to stop there but he smirked, "Guess who's left. Saving the best for last huh?"

I sighed, "This is... Perrie. She is-was... I'm not sure. We are together kind of but I'm not sure if we still are. You actually walked in on us having a discussion about it." I said.

"You decide that as a group?" He asked frowning.

"No... it was about something else as well." I said.

"No secrets. Tell me." He said.

"I tried to kill myself." I said. Honestly I don't have it in me anymore to try and save everyone from my messed up brain.

"Seriously?" He asked. I simply nodded.

"When?" He asked.

"About five hours ago." I said.

He clenched his jaw again. His protectiveness never wavered.

"We will talk about this later on as well. First, tell me about Perrie." He said relaxing.

"She is a Ray of sunshine. She comes in and the mood lifts. She is the person I trust with my entire being. I love her. I would do anything for her. She pretty much enchanted me." I said.

"Well then why aren't you sure if you are together?" He asked.

"Because Sam is saying that we should break up because of my mental health. That I should get better with therapy sessions and afterwards Perrie and I should be together." I explained.

He nodded and then sighed, "That's it about the fun stuff. Now the bad stuff."

Oh boy this talk will go on for hours.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now