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⚠️ Prequel ⚠️

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"Count Dooku is the leader of the Separatist movement, young Padawan. He has enslaved and tortured millions of innocent people across the galaxy for his cause. We have no other choice but to fight back." Plo Koon would say "To protect the galaxy as we have sworn to do."

She leaned back against the wall, a nervous breath escaping her cracked lips.

The door suddenly opened revealing a newly knighted Padawan, beaming with a radiant pride that almost blinded the young woman.

"Lana" The boy's voice was bold like the way he carried himself.

Anakin Skywalker was every inch of self confidence that most Padawans lacked from within. 

However, in the eyes of the order he was a walking catastrophe. Reckless in his ways but in Lana's eyes Anakin held potential. He was the chosen one after all. Could they have at least a little faith?

His Master, Obi Wan was driven mad on a daily by his Padawan's reckless actions but isn't that how you learn? From making reckless mistakes?

One of the other reasons the council didn't have much faith in him, was because of his attachments. Since starting a little older than the traditional way at birth, he already had formed bonds with family and friends. He was taught to love and in the order it was forbidden to love because love led to jealousy and jealousy led to hate and hate led to destruction. 

Aside from the jealousy, hate and destruction, Lana found that those attachments and feelings was what made Anakin strong. The council failed to see the same way for reasons that made her question.

Smiling, she proceeded "How'd you do?" 

"I think I did better than Obi Wan expected" The boy answered smugly.

Lana chuckled in response then sighed "I hope I don't end up making a fool of myself"

Expression humbled, her fellow Padawan spoke words of encouragement  "You shouldn't think like that, Lana. I've seen you train and I know you got it"

"Thank you, Anakin"

She was grateful for his kind words, it wasn't everyday the chosen one complimented you in your work. It made her feel somewhat confident yet still a little nervous for her turn. 

How far is one willing to go, to sacrifice and let go?

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How far is one willing to go, to sacrifice and let go?

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