9: Nightmares

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I heard that gunshot again. I saw how she fell on the ground. I kept on screaming her name, my knees were shaking. My eyes are filled with tears and I find it hard to breathe.

Then my eyes flew open when I felt someone kissing me on the lips. I saw BaekHyun, kissing me with his eyes shut. Fck. How would I love to be woken up by him this way. He pulled away when he realized that I was awake because I responded to his kisses. Why is he kissing me anyway? I smirked at him, "Taking advantage of me?"

But he just frowned, "You were screaming, I think you just had a nightmare." He handed me a towel and I gladly took it.

I checked my forehead, brows.  furrowed. Heol. I was sweating like I just ran a mile. I guess it was the same nightmare again. I wiped my sweat off my face with the face towel he gave me and resumed mocking him, "And kissing me is the only way to wake me up?"

I chuckled when his face turned red, I didn't know he was this cute when he's blushing like a teenage girl. He hit my arm. Darn! He likes hurting me, don't he? "I tried hitting your arm and your cheek like this but you didn't wake up, so I thought that's the only way to wake you."

A grin was shown in my face, "You don't have to be so defensive, you know?" I jumped out of the bed, I need to drink. I was a bit thanful he didn't ask about it, the nightmare. I've always had the same nightmare since I was young, and it never left me. It's haunting me every single night, and it's the first time that someone woke me up. And it's the fearless Byun BaekHyun. That thought made me smile.

When I came back to my room, he was sitting on the bed with his back on the headboard. He glanced at me and continued looking at his phone, "Are you okay?"

I bit my lip. So, he's concerned?  I nodded my head and sat next to him, I moved closer and leaned my head on his shoulder, "Can I ask you something?"

"Hmm," He was scrolling through his IG account. Why can't he just update it? I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his waist, "Can you give me a chance to make you fall in love with me?"

He put down his phone and bowed his head to meet my eyes, "What are you talking about?"

I slightly shook my head, "Nevermind." I shut my eyes closed, I'm going to make you fall in love with me without you knowing.

He placed his phone on the side table and lied next to me, I quickly fixed his blanket. "What's your nightmare about?" I heard him ask.

I slightly shook my head, "You don't have to know about it." That's something no one should no about. That's just between me and myself, because that's a shame.

That was the last thing we talked about because he unconsciously drifted to sleep while I run my fingers through his hair. And that made my heart flutter. He finds it comfortable, right?

I just watched him as he sleeps, still running my fingers through his hair. I couldn't stop it and I can't sleep either. I don't want him to witnees that nightmare again. For sure, I was screaming her name again. I looked at the wall clock and saw that it's 2 am already.

I got up to take a shower, I glanced at him. He was still peacefully sleeping. Aigoo. I didn't know he was this cute while sleeping. I just smiled as I shake my head. After taking a bath, I charged my camera's batteries. I started packing my clothes, we'll be going to Beijing today.

Then I woke him up, "BaekHyun-ah, ireona." I repeatedly called him while harshly tapping his shoulder, "Go and take a bath, I'll cook for us." I said when he stirred

He was rubbing his eyes when I left him there. So damn cute, Byun BaekHyun. I bit my lip and stared at my refrigerator. What the hell am I going to cook?  I asked myself. You can't fcking cook, Sora. She replied. Sht. I fished my phone from my pocket and searched for a recipe, this one's good.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now