29: Sweetest Dream

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I actually figured out that I never gave you a whole chapter with romance in it. And I kind of missed them bickering, yet I couldn't find Sora inside my head because I am worried about XiaoTzu because I don't think I can do well with her. And I don't like her name, can you please give me a better Chinese name? Komawo. I hope this chapter would be fine although I know it won't meet your expectations. :(

Please comment everything you felt about this fanfic on the chapter before I post the epilogue.

I held his face and gently kissed his lips. Fuck, I need to seize the moment with him. Damn, Sora. Are you sure you can let him go now? I shut my eyes close, silently hoping that it will all come back to day 1 once I open them but to no avail, it didn't.

Day 26, it is. Damn, I slowly shook my head. I can't fucking believe we've come this far. Heck, the deal's coming to its end. I actually thought that I'd fail at this silly attempt about him but darn, fate must be in my favor because Baekhyun has stopped trying to escape and that freaking FlashLight is no longer in our lives. Now that I remember, Baekhyun admitted that they exchanged texts before. Daaaaarn! That FlashLight is really something to him, isn't she?

I moved away from him and stared at the ceiling. What happens to me after the deal? Of course, I'll do what I said before. I should keep my damned words.

I rose up, sighing. I need to move now so I can spend more time hugging the sleeping version of Byun Baekhyun. I grabbed the suitcase and started packing clothes for the both of us, we need to get away from the city and all its bullshits. We have to enjoy the remaining days of the deal.

I went back inside the room and pulled the drawer out to get our passports and plane tickets. I slid it inside my sling bag and headed to the kitchen to cook something for breakfast. I remember this certain recipe that Crushelle Santiago-Huang has shown me. It was a Filipino dish that all the EXO members liked. Chicken adobo? I'm fucking sure it was called adobo, I remember it so damn well.

I grinned when the aroma started spreading around the kitchen. Fuck! It must be really delicious. Elle said that I should let it simmer for five minutes then I'm done. I left the stove and started preparing the table. Cucumbers and strawberries are already on the table. I shook my head and slightly chuckled. Byun fucking Baekhyun doesn't allow me to eat cucumber in front of him not unless I give him his strawberries which I obliged right away even though strawberries are ewwww. What can I freaking do? It's Byun fucking Baekhyun we're talking about. His words are law just like mine.

I turned the stove off and poured the said adobo to a bowl then placed it on the table right after. I glanced at the clock and it says 7:55 am already.

Baekhyun was just coming out of the bathroom when I came in, "Oh, the breakfast's ready." I smiled at him and he immediately smiled back. Shit, he woke up at the right side of the bed today?

He walked towards me and his arm automatically went on my waist, "What did you cook, hmm?" I felt him kiss my head and my eyes widened in shock. Fuck this shit?

I ran away from him before grabbing the gun on the bedside table and aimed at him after squeezing the barrel, "Who the fuck are you? Bring me back my Byun Baekhyun!" I saw him put his hands up like he was surrendering.

This fucker isn't Byun fucking Baekhyun and that I am sure of! He's been really weird since last night!

Will you fuck me?

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now