5: Operation: Mine

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Of course, this has some similarities with D.O's remake because they're both sasaengs but let me clarify that I have written the plot even before they uploaded his music video. So please stop comparing, as I have told you before, I hate to be compared.

Kamsahamnida. :)


I laughed when I saw his face. I ran to him and hugged him once more. I walked away, laughing. There was no bullet inside the gun, that's why I was sure I won't hurt him. I leaned on my car's hood as I watch him enter the building, I wanted to kiss him again but I am worried for his lips. It was already swollen when he got off my car.

I bit my lip. Dmn. I can still taste his lips. I didn't know it would be that soft. Fck. Looks like I'll be having a good sleep tonight.

But hell. I was wrong, I was not able to sleep. I tried closing my eyes but his face keeps on flashing in my mind and he makes it hard for me to breathe.

What are you doing to me, Byun BaekHyun?

I stood up and went to the living room. I just sat on the couch and stared at nothingness. I glanced at the clock and noticed that it was 2:34 am already.

Dmn. I probably look haggard right now. I can't face Baekhyun looking like a girl who climbed up the mountain just to see him. I rose to my feet and prepared for later.

It was 3:15 am on my car's clock when I started the engine. My heart was beating fast on my way to the coffee shop. Dmn. I'm fcking late.

I got off my car and fixed my hair as it naturally flows, I have to look good in front of my boyfriend. I even had the time to put some lip gloss on my lips knowing that I am fifteen minutes late already. Who cares? I have the upper hand in this relationship.

I smiled at the thought that I am in a relationship with Baekhyun.


I walked towards the coffee shop, I can see Byun BaekHyun from here. He was fully covered just like the usual. I pushed the glass door open and made my way to his direction. I kissed his cheeks and giggled, "Good morning, babe."

But he just glared at me in return, "You're late."

I giggled once more, "We just met hours ago and you missed me already?" He was still glaring, "Ya! Girls are supposed to be late, okay? Stop glaring because it's not scary." I sat on the chair in front of me.

Everything he does is hot, cute, sexy and all positive things but never scary.

How can be someone as handsome as him be scary? He looks like an angel sent from above.

"Let's order?" I suggested. I picked up the menu and searched for a good coffee. "Have you made up your mind?" I asked.

"Americano," He mumbled.

I bursted into laughter, "Dmn it. You're fcking funny." I continued laughing at him and stopped after few minutes. "I am talking about us, our relationship."

He looked away, "It's not like I can disagree."

Yeah, right. I called the waiter and ordered our food, "Can you put a lot of cucumbers in my sandwich?" I whispered.

"Ne, but you have to pay additional charges." The waiter said.

"I will,"

"Would that be all?" He asked again and I just nodded my head.

When the waiter was no longer near, I stared at him. "So I want to discuss some things to you,"

He faced me and gave me that boring look.

"Be my boyfriend for two months, just two months."

He shook his head, "One week."

But it's my turn to disagree. Hell, one week is too short. "One month and three weeks."

"Two weeks."

My hands balled into fists, "One month and two weeks."

He gave me a death glare again, "Three weeks."

Dmn. I'm losing my patience here. "One month and one week."

"Four weeks." He offered.

I smirked at him, "Deal! Four weeks but I want you to sleep in my house." I bravely said and his jaw dropped.

What? That's what I want to happen. 28 days are too short already, I just want to be with him all the time in that four weeks.

"No!" He strongly disagreed.

I arched a brow, "Yes." I bit my lip, "You'll sleep in my house or I'll hurt someone in your family?" I blackmailed.

He sighed and gave up, "Fine." Then he massaged the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, "I don't like girls who curse," Then his eyes opened and watched me intently, "So don't curse."

"Fu----" It was his turn to arch his brow and that reminded me that I can't curse, "Fart. Fart." I smiled at him.

He looked disgusted, "Watch your mouth."

"Sorry, okay?" I rolled my eyes. I can't believe he can control me. I used to be so stubborn and so impatient but when it comes to him why do I turn out to be the opposite?

Our orders arrived and he immediately covered his nose, "What is that?"

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Is that cucumber?"

I nodded my head, "I love cucumbers!"

"I hate them!" He angrily said.

"I know," I picked up the cucumber from my sandwich and ate it deliciously in front of him. He looked like he was going to throw up and I just giggled. I ate the sandwich as fast as I can because Baekhyun makes a big deal out of it.

"Don't you dare have any girl aside from me," I warned him.

He smirked at me, "Why? Are you going to kill her?"

I pasted a smile on my face and played with the fork on my plate, "Ne, but this time," Then I looked at him seriously, "I'll kill her in front of you." He looked away, he's probably frightened with what I said. Dmn. I am serious, "Of course, it should be related to you. Baek means one hundred, right? It's either I'll stab her one hundred times in front of you or," An evil grin appeared on my face, "You'll shoot her straight in the head."

"You are mine, Byun BaekHyun." I declared.

"J-Just for one month," He retorted.

"Still mine, and mine alone." I gave him a devilish grin before pulling his nape, "Now, let's seal this deal with a kiss."

Then and there, I kissed the so-called fearless Byun BaekHyun.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now