6: Day 1

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I leaned on my car's door and lit my cigarette with my lighter, Baekhyun walked towards the building. He needs to get some clothes so he could stay in my house. I told him that I'll buy him everything that he needs but he refused. Dmn. He's playing hard to get. I was the one who's supposed to do that. Fck.

10 minutes after, he's still not here. Bllsht. What's taking him so long? I was puffing my 11th cigarette when I saw him leaving the building with a traveling bag on his hand.


I threw my cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. I smirked at him when he's already in front of me.

"I don't like girls who smoke," He was looking at the pack of cigarette in my pocket.

"Fck about what you like," I grabbed his bag and put it in the backseat, then I opened the front door for him, "Get in," He did what I said.

I ran to the driver's side and hopped in. I was startled when he pulled my nape and kissed me on the lips. I thought it was just a smack but then I felt something inside my lips. He transferred the candy from his mouth! Hell, my heart was jumping. I couldn't move, I just stared at him.

Fck. Fck. Fck.

"I told you not to curse," He said.

Stop making me more crazy. One month might not be enough for me.

"And please, eat some candy after smoking." He added.

That made me blush even more. I did not even dared to look at him. I cleared my throat, started the engine and drove to my house.

If he's going to kiss me every time that I'll curse, then dmn, I'd curse forever.


I wasn't talking but he is, I think he knew that I am not comfortable with him and he wants me to remove that awkward feeling. I'm glad he did, at least he's not making me feel that he's doing this to get away from me as soon as possible.

"Why is your bedroom black?" He asked, "I've been here last night but I just noticed it,"

"Black is comfortable, you know? Kyungsoo is comfortable with it too." I muttered, I pointed the bathroom, "That's the bathroom, go change your clothes." I ordered.

He nodded his head and grabbed a pair of pajamas, he was humming as he entered the bathroom.

Dmn. Can someone slap me? Is he really here?

I went to the front door and locked it, I made sure there's no window left open. Then I came back in my room, he was drying his hair with my blower.

"We have the same blower," He said.

I sat on the bed, leaning my head on the headboard. "I bought it because of you,"

He bobbed his head, "We have the same shampoo, I even saw your shaving cream. It's also the same,"

"I bought it because you're using it, I put some shaving cream on my face before brushing my teeth and washing my face."

He turned the blower off and hanged the towel on the chair I front of my vanity desk, "Why?"

A naughty smirk appeared on my face, I stood up and sat on his lap, "I wanna smell you before I sleep," I whispered before kissing him fully on the lips.

He responded a bit but pulled away after, "I just brushed my teeth, you smell like cigarette." He pushed me away so I was forced to stand up, he rose to his feet too and pushed me inside, "Brush. Your. Teeth."

I rolled my eyes. Choosy Byun BaekHyun. I thought as I threw my hair brush away because of frustration.


Why am I so addicted to his lips?

Darn. His lips and his kisses are illegal.

I can't imagine him kissing any other girl aside of me.

I stepped outside of the bathroom after brushing my teeth, I found him sitting on the bed with his head against the headboard. He was holding his phone, "Searching for help?" I walked towards his direction.

He looked at me but then he looked back at his phone, "No one can take you away from me, Baekhyun." I mumbled.

"I'm reading my fans' comments, stop over reacting. It's not like you're my girlfriend to be jealous,"

What the fck.

I harshly grabbed his jaw, my lips were shaking. Dmn it, Byun BaekHyun, you're making me mad. Fuming mad. "Just to fcking remind you," I held his jaw tighter, he looked hurt but I didn't care, "I. Am. Your. Freaking. Girlfriend. And you have to remember that,"

He harshly removed my hand from his jaw and massaged it, it turned to red. My whole hand marked on his 'snow white' face.

My eyes widened.

What the fck did I just do?


"Shit!" I cupped his face, "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry." I caressed his cheeks, "Gosh, I'm sorry." He shoved my hand away, stood up and left my room.

Fck. I want to fcking bang my head on the fcking wall for hundred fcking times.

I stood up after few minutes and went outside. I found him sitting on the couch, watching tv. I sighed, "You.. You should prepare already, we'll leave in an hour." I nervously said.

I have never been this nervous ever since I was born.

He has a schedule with the rest of the members 2 hours from now and I'll be driving him there and stay they there until it ends. I have to make sure he'll come home to me.

He lazily stood up and went inside my room.


I want him to know how fcking sorry I truly am.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now