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ps: Thank you for everything xx


I WOKE up feeling groggy. The scent of alcohol was the first thing that I noticed then the white walls and the IV hanging almost above my head. I groaned in pain, in regrets, in frustration. My hand travelled to my stomach that is now flat unlike how big it used to be before. My eyes started to water. I am always a failure. I wanted to ask how Sangjun is but no one is inside the room with me.

The door slowly opened and Baekhyun's mother came in. She gave me a warm smile and it made me feel better somehow, "How are you feeling?" She slightly squeezed my shoulder, then poured water in a glass and handed it to me.

"The stitches hurt," I admitted before sipping.

She nodded her head, "You had to go under C-section because you were unconscious and Sangjun needs to come out as soon as possible."

I took a deep breath before I met her eyes and asked, "How's Sangjun, Eomoni?" There was a stinging pain in my chest, I wasn't prepared of the worse but I just have to know what happened. I need to know how my son is.

I was waiting for her answer but she didn't say anything and that made me more nervous. Tears started falling from my eyes, I want to know! The door flew open once more, Byun Baekhyun came inside the door, catching his breath.

He ran to my side, "Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Why are you crying?" He wiped my tears away with his thumbs and I just shook my head.

"How's Sangjun?" I am dying to know what happened to my son. I really hope that he would answer me because I deserve to know!

He gently pulled my into a warm hug, slightly patting my back, "Hush now, love. Sangjun is okay."

It felt like I lost all the energy with what I heard. Damn it, that's all I need to know. Thank God, my son is okay. He's fine. I felt Baekhyun kiss my forehead, "C-Can I see him?"

He pulled away, nodding his head, "Later, okay?" He fixed the pillow behind me before guiding me to lie down. "Aren't you hungry?" He asked.

I tried to feel if I am hungry but I don't think I am, I just want to my son and that's all. I just want to see if he's really okay, with my own eyes. I shook my head but he didn't seem convinced. His mother excused herself and left the room.

Byun Baekhyun stood up and started preparing food for me. He never listens, I know. I hope Sangjun won't be like his father, stubborn father. "You have to eat more nutritious food from now on, love." I glanced at him and he stared back, "You'll be breastfeeding Sangjun so promise me that you will, okay?"

I scratched my eyebrow, "Arasseo." If it's for Sangjun then I have no choice but to comply. His safety is my main priority ever since I learned that I was pregnant.

I PUSHED the plate away from me, "Can we see Sangjun now?"

Baekhyun gave me a reassuring smile as he removed the plate and the table in front of me, "Are you sure that you're not in pain?" I gave him a short nod as an answer, I just want to fucking see my son!

I heard him sigh and left the room, he came back after a few minutes with a wheelchair. Do I look disabled to him? I wanted to argue but the pain on my stomach said I shouldn't. Let me see my son in peace. I slowly sat up, holding the bars beside the bed as guides while I stand up. Baekhyun stood next to me and held my waist without too much pressure.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now