2: Trespassing

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"What?!" I shouted as I saw the news. Kris is leaving EXO? Omona! Waeyo? I read the whole article and I think this is SM's fault. What do you think? Hmm. I went to SM's building and waited there with the other fans.

What the hell is happening?

"Do you wanna go in?" A sasaeng chingu asked.

I just looked at them, "I don't think so. I don't want to hurt anyone right now, I just want to sit in the corner and cry."

She hit my arm, "Crying won't help!"

"Ah!" I shouted while rubbing my left arm she just hit, "Killing him won't too!"

"Fine!" She gave up.

We just stood there in front of SM until night came, it was already late and I saw Zhang YiXing coming out of the building. He was wearing a facemask. His manager opened the car's door for him but he continued walking, "Lay, go inside the car!"

I touched my pistol at the back side of my pants, hiding under my leather jacket. Hurt Lay, and you'll die right now. I looked at Lay Oppa, he didn't reply and didn't bother looking at his manager.

"YiXing!" Their manager yelled his name once more.

"NO!" YiXing shouted back and walked away.

Woah! Something is really happening right now. Our angel just shouted. He sounds disappointed and hurt. This is something serious. Sht. This is not the usual Lay that I've seen before.

I looked at my sasaeng chingu, looks like she knows what I'm thinking. I'm wishing for one more sign before entering the building.

I looked around and saw my co-fans crying, they look lost. I don't want to see everyone like this. It's too painful to watch this happen. It was 12 midnight but Huang Zi Tao is still inside the building. Their practice room's lights are opened, he must be there. I won't go home as long as he's here. We were surprised when we saw Tao opening the window, he looks tired. He just opened it and walked away after. The girls right here cried harder, gosh. Of all fandom, why does it have to be ours? We're too young for this, it's too early for this.

I felt numb when I heard him sing, this is too much to bear. He's the closest to Kris, I can't imagine how bad he feels right now. I can't take this anymore. I wore my hood and facemask on. I'm going inside. I felt my chingu pull my hand and I looked at her, "No one can stop me."

My anger right now is unexplainable, I don't even know what I'm capable of doing with this feeling. I might kill someone right now. No one gets to hurt the family I have. No one gets to take someone I love away from me again.

I went to SM's backdoor, I looked around if someone's watching. I have to be alert, or else I'll end up in jail. I entered their password. How did I know? I did it my way. I was able to enter the building, looks like almost of their employees are all home. I smirked, I'll make it. I avoided every area that has CCTV. Well, the whole building was covered with cameras, but I'm not that scared to be seen.

I went straightly to his office, "Who are you?!" He shouted when he saw me entering. I gave him a lopsided grin even if though he won't see it because of the facemask.

"Someone you keep on hurting." I came closer to him, I grabbed the gun from my back and pointed at him, "Shout and your blood will be all over your lovely office." He looked frightened, his lips are shaking. Good job, Sora.

I grabbed his jaw and tightened my grip on it, I pointed the gun on his temple, letting it touch his head. "Don't you dare move." I whispered, good thing he obeyed. I slapped his face seven times, hard. I just spelled 'Wu Yi Fan' to him. "Delete all the CCTV footages today, I don't care if you sue me. If you think you're rich, I'm richer." I said before leaving.

End of Flashback

I keep taking pictures of Baekhyun but this f-ckin' guy isn't looking at me, there are times that I thought he was exactly looking at me but I thought wrong, he was looking at FlashLight. What the hell is wrong with him? I'm here too!

I frowned, and started thinking on how to distract this girl. But hell, she's used to ignore people talking to her when she's taking pictures. What should I fucking do? I bit my lip and suddenly kicked the chair where she's standing, she almost fell but I held her hand, "Gwaenchanayo?" I asked, acting like a fucking two faced bitch--oh wait, I wasn't acting because I already am.

I noticed that Byun BaekHyun looked here when she was about to fall. I have to be the heroine here, he'll look at me for sure. FlashLight smiled at me, "Komawo." She thanked and resumed taking her fcking pics again. I held my newest DSLR and focused on Baekhyun, he glanced at me and smiled. Fck. My first picture of Byun BaekHyun smiling and straightly focused on my lenses.

I made a mental note of hurting FlashLight again and help her after to make Baekhyun look at me. You're such a genius, Sora.

Dmn! I can't believe this. Seriously? Did he really look at me? But still, there's this fact that he just looked at me because of FlashLight. The hell. What's her real name? I can't stand calling her FlashLight, I feel stupid.

Does Baekhyun know her? I want to know if he likes her. Dmn. I just want to hurt this girl right now. No, I'll make Baekhyun mine and mine alone. No FlashLight, no any other girls. JUST ME.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now