26: History

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SEARCH: @Thanks4killing Wattpad. No cursing, loves.

Not good. I am not feeling good like srlsy. Plagiarism makes me a fucking bitch, alright.


"Why are there no pictures of your family here?" I heard him ask as I sit beside him.

I rolled my eyes at his bullshit topic. How can I display pictures of something I don't even have? I just shrugged at him but he was so persistent knowing everything about that.

"Where are your parents? Your father?"

I clenched my jaw, "He's an asshole and he's not a father. He's just someone who married my mother and fucked her."

His brows furrowed and held my face to look at him, "Why do you talk about your father like that, Sora?"

How many times do I have to tell him that he is not my father? He was never a father to me and will never be. "Because that's the truth. He's a fucked up jerk."

I heard him heave a deep sigh, "Arasseo. How about your mother?"

"He killed her."

His small eyes widened and asked, "Mwo?"

I smirked at him. You wanna ask questions yet you get so surprised with my answers? "He killed her. Emotionally and physically." I looked down and the fucked up eidetic imagery flashed everything back exactly as it was. "He was always busy with work, so Eomma and I were the only ones left at home. He'll leave while I was asleep and he'll fucking arrive when I'm already asleep." I balled my hands into fists because I felt like crying and I can't fucking do that. I've done it a lot of times and I can't just do it all over again like it's a normal thing because it's fucking not. I shouldn't forget that I am Nam fucking Sora. "Cliché as it may fucking sound but Eomma and I were kidnapped. But you know what's interesting?" I bit my lip and fakely chuckled to mask the bullshit emotions. "Instead of the mainstream abandoned factories or buildings, we were brought to a flat."

I still know where the vase was placed, what the code was, what kind of television set was there, how comfortable the couch was, how many men was there, everyfuckingthing.

Baekhyun reached out for my hand and held it. Ugh, is this him?

"They called him and he was asked to choose between me or Eomma. Eomma was screaming, she told him to choose me and he did." I stared at Baekhyun's eyes, trembling. "That moment, one of the kidnappers shot Eomma in front of me. Appa killed her. He should've chosen her and not me."

I looked around me. My knees were shaking as I see my mom beside me. She was covered with blood and all I could do was cry while calling out to her, "Eomma! Eomma!" She lifted her head and gave me a smile, "I-It's going to be alright, p-princess." My hands were tied, I can't even reach out to her. I want to touch my mom, I want to help her. I glared at the goons around us. They kidnapped us. We were just eating earlier at the playground when these guys in black covered our mouths and brought us somewhere. "Eomma!" I can barely see anymore because my eyes are full of tears.

A guy squatted in front of me and slapped me, I cried in pain. I even heard my mom screaming. "STOP CRYING!" The scary man yelled at me.

Then I started looking for my dad, "Appa! Appa!" We need him right now.

But he wasn't there.

They shot her once more, this time on the head. I saw how my mom's eyes closed. I screamed louder, "EOMMAAAAAAAA!"

"Damn them." I shook my head upon remembering that scene, "I quickly grabbed one gun from the guy next to me and shot them one by one. I feared nothing that time, they killed my mom and I should kill them too. I was shot but I didn't care, I was too focused on squeezing the barrel, and shooting them.

Appa arrived, but he was too late.

The door flew open and they all saw me, a 14 year old girl standing in the middle of the room, wearing a white dress with blood stains, surrounded by dead people while holding a 45 caliber gun staring at them blankly." (Hae: Imagine this. Omg. It's so cool. Angst af.)

Baekhyun pulled me and made me sit on his lap, his arms were wrapped around my waist and my head was leaning on his chest. His hug was too comforting as if telling me that he's just here. "You were shot? Is that the scar in your inner thigh?"

He saw it? Oh, shit. He saw every part of me. Yeah, damn right. I nodded my head in return.

"What happened next?" He asked and I continued telling him the hidden chapters of the book I burned a long time ago. A book the nobody knows yet the ashes are still with me.

"I never talked to anyone. Not until I met you. For the first time after 6 years, I talked. We were taking the road in front of the school where you were about to take an exam. I told the driver to stop. I saw how you were scouted and that's where everything started. I followed you since then."

Baekhyun gently pushed me away, "Are you serious?"

"Of course! Fuck you, why would I lie?" I rolled my eyes and sat next to him. One of his hands went to the back of my head and played with the strands of my hair while staring back at me, "My life's fucked up, right?"

He gave out a weak smile and pulled me closer to him, "Gwaenchana, gwaenchana." His hands were caressing my arms.

I pursed my lips into a thin line before speaking again, "I'm a fucked up bitch who started killing people since fourteen. I'm a freaking monster. A killer. A criminal. A heartless huma---"

"Geumanhae. Don't say that! You are not a monster, okay? You only did that for yourself."

My mouth parted in awe, and stood up. I looked at him, pain visible in my eyes, "But you once looked at me like that."

I turned my back on him and headed back to the kitchen. My chest is getting fucking tight everytime I remember the way he stared at me the other night. Maybe I should just start cooking for our dinner. There's nothing to tell him anymore.

I was deep frying the tempura shrimps when my phone beeped. It was an unknown number.

From: 010-xxxx-1013

Who the fuck is this?

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now