15: Bitch, Where?

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"So where is he now?" I asked the person on the other line. Damn it! I'm so close to killing him the other night! Why did I even let that chance slip?

[I'm not sure where he is exactly but one thing's for sure, he's somewhere near.]

"Fuck! I know that already! Can't you tell me something I don't know--"

"Who's that?" Byun just walked out from fresh shower with only just his boxer shorts, his hands are holding a towel, drying his hair up.

I almost dropped my fucking jaw. This handsome creature never forgets to make me feel hot everytime he's near. "I'll call you later." I mumbled before ending the call. Byun wiggled his eyebrows as if waiting for me to respond but too much for his expectation, I didn't. Instead I came closer to him and pulled his nape, claiming his lips.

Holy shit! His lips is the only reason why I live. Undeniably dangerous. I felt his hands on my legs, lifting me up and wrapping it around his waist. Oh fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! He was kissing me slowly and I couldn't wait for more. This guy is shit! Ugh. He's making crazier for him.

I was busy pulling his hair and returning his wild kisses until I felt the wall on my back. There's something gonna happen tonight, right? Of fucking course! There should be!

His lips went lower, leaving wet kisses on my neck. Oh shit! Byun Baekhyun what the fuck are you doing to me? My legs we're going weak and I couldn't wrap them around his waist anymore not until his hands supported them. I immediately opened my eyes when I felt one of his hands cup my butt. I grinned still kissing his lips. Naughty. Naughty, Byun Baekhyun.

He stopped the moment he was about to lift my sleeveless shirt. I stared right into his eyes, still catching my breath. Why? What made him stop? I slowly let my feet touch the ground and pushed him away. That's it? That's just it?

I want to ask him why but I'm waiting for him to explain himself first and I was so disappointed because he didn't. He walked back inside the bathroom and stayed there for more than an hour. I can hear the water running. He's showering again?

I was just sitting on the bed, staring at the bathroom's door until he opens. I heard the door opened so I looked up, I saw Byun, drying his hair again. I can't believe he showered twice. Our eyes met but he chose to look away. O-kay. We won't talk about what happened. I fucking understand. The room became smaller and smaller for the two of us so I decided to leave and just stayed at the living room, watching tv. I'll just go back when he's asleep.

The shows became too boring that I didn't know I was just scanning the channels endlessly, maybe because it's 3 am already. I've been scanning channels for an hour already, huh? Is he asleep by now? I shrugged my shoulders and turned the tv off heading to our bedroom. I saw my Byun sleeping soundly on the bed.

I remembered the scene earlier, after he cursed, I tried forcing him to curse again. Welcome to the dark side, I thought. But he didn't, he was silent. Didn't even throw a glance at me, he was not in the mood until we got home.

What should I do with you, Byun Baekhyun? Why are you so hard to handle?

I lifted the comforter and joined him on the bed. I settled myself beside him as I ran my fingers through his hair. Fuck, I've always imagined him lying on my bed but I never though that it would really happen because of how stubborn he is, I know that he'd do everything to avoid me since he's fearless as what he claims. But no, look at him. He's here. He's with me.

I noticed him stir so I immediately closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep, and then I felt the bed shift. He sat up, I can even feel his stares. He leaned closer and I was expecting him to kiss me but none came. I was about to pull his face closer to mine and let our lips touch but he hopped off the bed before I can. Where the hell are you going? Shit! Not seeing anything at all is fucking horrible. I am so tempted to open my eyes but what if he's heading to the bathroom?

I slightly opened my eyes to peek at what's happening and saw Byun closing the door to the living room. My forehead creased, is he hungry? I stood up, maybe I can cook something for him. Slowly turning the knob, I heard Byun's voice.

"She's asleep now.... Where will you fetch me?... Gurae, I'll pack my bags now."


Hell break loose.

He put down his phone and turned around. I saw how shocked his face was, I grinned at him, hiding the disappointment beneath my eyes, "Eodi?" (Where?)

His jaw clenched, hands balled into fists. Busted, eh? I snatched his phone from him and checked who he just talked to but I wished I didn't because it hurts so much that he was teaming up with that fansite master to escape from me.

I asked him once more, "Eodi?!"

But this fucking guy refused to speak up, I was pushed back to my limitations and dragged him inside the bedroom. Gripping on his wrist like I'm never gonna let him go because honest-fucking-ly, I won't. I pulled out the handcuffs from my drawer and cuffed him to one edge of the bed.

"Ya! Sora!" He yelled, "Stop this, will you?"

I clicked the handcuff lock and grabbed his jaw, "Where will that bitch fetch you?" I held it tighter as if it'll break anytime. Fuck, I am so furious. You better answer me now, Byun Baekhyun before I snap out of myself.

"I hate you," he mumbled.

I freaking gritted my teeth, "You hate me? For loving you too much?" I smirked at him, "Now, tell me where that bitch is going to fetch you before I run out of patience, love."

"P-Parking lot of Coffee Cube."

I planted a soft kiss on his forehead before grabbing my car keys and driving off to that freaking parking lot.

My knuckles are almost white as I grip on the steering wheel. Damn. I don't know why I'm not enough for him. Why does he keep on running away? Fuck shit. I thought we're getting better. I thought he's starting to open up his heart for me but for some fucking reason, that freaking girl came to break us apart. Maybe Taylor Swift is right, boys only want love if it's torture.

I silently hopped off my car and saw that bitch standing with her back against my direction. Bullshit. Just by seeing her back makes me want to kill her endlessly. My hands are itching to grab my dagger from my back pocket and slit her throat. Dang!

I pulled her hair with one hand that she almost fell on the floor and covered her mouth with my free hand before she can even scream, "Don't make a scene here, bitch."

She glared at me, tears forming in her eyes. Oh, bitch! That won't work on me. "Surprise! Didn't expect me?" I chuckled, suppressing the anger within me. "Bitch, where are you planning to take Baekhyun?" I started strangling her, "Bitch, where do you think you're going with him? Are you imagining for a happy ever after?" I laughed hard, "Because fck! That's not going to happen as long as I'm alive!" I strangled her so hard that she's turning paler and paler, "Let me ask you one last question." My lips quivered, "BITCH, WHERE IS YOUR RIGHT TO TAKE BYUN BAEKHYUN AWAY FROM ME?" She shook her head, and I released her instantly because I heard Byun's voice from my head. Don't kill her.

I watched her catch her breath for a while before leaving her and driving back to my home. To him.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now