19: The Day After

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I ran my way outside that hell, leaving her parents crying beside her. Her dead body. I stayed inside my house for a few hours before going to her funeral.

Park Chanyeol was different when I saw him. I knew it. I fcking knew that Eunha's death would wreck him. He was sitting in front of her picture frame. He doesn't talk. Gone was the talkative Park Chanyeol that Eunha talks about.

I didn't cry. I didn't cry again after that scene in the hospital because I know the best way to grieve: don't. Don't grieve.

I promised myself that it would be the last time that Nam fucking Sora would shed a tear. Crying wouldn't take Shin Eunha back. I just need to accept that she's not coming back.

The day after the funeral, I drove my car to her house. I have to do the last freaking favor she asked from me. Fuck. I can't believe I'm letting myself be used by her. Damn, Shin Eunha. You really are something.

I rang the doorbell twice before the intercom spoke.

[Who is it?]

I cleared my throat and retorted, "Annyeong haseyo. I'm Eunha's friend. I am here to get some things, she told me that she informed you already about me."

[Ah, ne. Come in.]

I bit my lip as the gate unlocked and pushed myself inside. I removed my shoes as a sign of respect and was welcomed by her parents. "Annyeong haseyo," I bowed 90 degrees. Now I have to deal with them. Dang. It's been a while since Nam Sora used honorifics.

Her mother gave me a faint smile, "Welcome. Her room's upstairs, the one with the pink door."

I nodded my head, "Ne. Kamsahamnida."

I headed to the staircase with my head bowed. It's my first time here. I was never curious about Shin Eunha's boring life plus, I know that it's all about Chanyeol, Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol. 2NE1, Dara, and Park Sandara. Ugh. Now I noticed, she loves those Parks, huh?

I slowly turned the knob and her familiar strawberry scent was all over her room. I almost facepalmed when I saw a lot of Dara's posters. A fangirl, indeed. Just like how my house is full of Byun Baekhyun's cups and mugs and chopsticks.

I went inside and directly walked to the closet with a padlock. Slowly unlocking it with the key she gave me the other night.

Fuck. This is fucked up. I saw a lot of recording tapes, and a lot of 3 feet-2 feet long canvases and sketches of Park Chanyeol. I first picked up the open box of recording tapes and placed it on the bed, then I next picked up the sketches.

November 27, 2012

November 27, 2013

November 27, 2014

December 25, 2012

December 25, 2013

I stopped checking the dates behind every canvas and sketching. What are these? Are these gifts? She prepared it beforehand? I next read the names for the recording tapes.

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