10: Killer

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I took a very deep breath. I've thought about this for a thousand times. And I think I should really do this. I slowly hopped out of my car and started walking to the front door. I am here again. Just seeing this house is suffocating. It brings back the good memories but it never fails to remind me the nightmares I've been trying to run away from.

I opened the front door and removed my shoes, and sighed again. You have to endure this, Sora. I was greeted by the maids and I just nodded my head at them. I want to talk to them especially to the ones who's been taking care of me ever since but having conversation takes time. And that means I have to stay here longer, that's something I'd never like to happen.

Plus, I don't want my father to see me here.

I climbed up the stairs and directly went to my room, I smiled bitterly. It still looks the same. I bet the maids are still cleaning this everyday. I shook my head. He still thinks I'll come back home and stay here with him?

I shook my head and went to my walk in closet, grabbed a bag and some clothes. Then I looked under my bed, sht. Where is it? I looked around my room and I still can't find it. It's probably in his study room. I zipped my bag and ran to his study, I entered his old passcode when I reached his study but it was wrong. I tried again and got it right. Still sneaky, Sora. I pulled out the drawer in his table and found the thing that I was looking for. I picked it up and placed it inside my bag.

If you're asking what it is, it's my first gun.

I immediately went downstairs after making sure that I locked his study again but sht happens. I was coming down from the stairs when I saw my father standing at the end of the stairs.

"Got your gun?"

I rolled my eyes. I have to get out of here so I continued climbing down. I walked past him but he didn't give up asking me questions, "How did you know my study's passcode?"

His voice is still the same. It's full of authority, but it never scared me. There's no way it will. "I think you forgot that you have a smart a*s of a daughter,"

How long has it been since I talked to him again? 10 months? 11? Or was it a year already?

"Are you going to kill someone again?" I felt my blood heating up when I heard that, I glared at him. "With that gun?" He pointed my bag, slightly shaking his head like he was telling me 'you're insane'.

I threw daggers at him. My hands balled into fists, jaw clenched, teeth gritted and lips are trembling because of too much anger. I can't believe I'm letting him tell me these stupid things. Fck respect. Fck. Fck. Why can't I speak?

He didn't stop talking, "Is it still because of that guy? You're killing for him? For someone who doesn't even like you?"

I gritted my teeth harder that it might break. His words keep on repeating in my head that I wanted to cover my ears with my hands. But I couldn't move. I couldn't fcking move.

"You're liking this? Being a killer?"

And that one word reminded me of that night again. I saw red. Her blood on my hand. On my shirt. That endless gunshots. Bllsht. Keep your shts straight, Sora. Don't let him do this.

I gathered my strength and found the courage to speak, "Excuse me? Stop talking like I am the only killer here in this house." Then I ran my way out and hopped in my car.

Fck. I am not that weak girl. Not anymore. Not fcking anymore.

I drove with the fastest speed. I don't care if I am over speeding. His words are still in my mind. I can still hear him saying those things.

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