25: Fast

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Please read this chapter like the slowest turtle so you wouldn't regret why you read it so fast. Haha.


Love you xx (Idk when the next update is so shut up HAHAHAHA) I honestly don't feel good right now. Everything is just bullshit that I wanted to cry. But yeah, I updated because I think I'll be happy when I read your funny comments. Gaaaahd. I'm seriously in the verge of crying like wth. Yeah, enjoy this for me.


I woke up feeling light and happy. Darn! It's been so long since I had a good sleep. No nightmares just pure, deep slumber. A really comfortable one. I slowly opened my eyes, only to find myself in his arms. Fuck shit. It's seriously not a dream? Holy shit. I shut my eyes hard and slowly jumped out of bed just to run to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Darn. This morning is a moment to remember! Good sleep, and Byun Baekhyun. Shit.

I gently went back to his side, staring at his beautiful face. Ugh. Why is he more beautiful than me? Dammit! Fucking unfair. I bit my lip hard as my forefinger traces his eyes, his nose, his sexy and irresistable lips. Oh fuck, I really love him.

I slowly lowered my face to place a chaste kiss on his lips and let it linger there for a while. If loving you makes me a psychopath then I'm willing to be a psychopath for the rest of my bullshit life.

He didn't stir. He must be tired but hell, I miss him too much.

My lips next went to his neck, leaving small kisses then slightly biting it. Lovebites, I smirked. I slowly kissed his jaw then back to his lips. My lips grinned against his when I felt him kissing me back. Damn anyone who goes anywhere between us. Damn anyone who will.

I was disappointed when he broke off the kiss, "I have a schedule in an hour." He said.

I rolled my eyes and mumbled, "I know." Before pulling him back to me, "You'll make it, I fucking swear." I held the hem of his shirt and removed it. I stared at his sexy tummy, no abs. Just nutella abs as what he fucking calls it but golddamn it! It's the sexiest tummy I have ever seen and I am not even biased, like duh.

He held my shoulders and in a second, he was on top. Oh, you like it there, Byun-ah? He was slightly biting my lower lip and it made me feel even hotter. Fuck! Byun helped me remove the black tank top that I was wearing, I grabbed his hands and guided it behind me to unclasp my brassiere without even breaking our heated kiss.

I moaned in his mouth when I felt one of his hands cup my breast, damn it! He squeezed it gently and shit, I lost my mind. His kisses went down to my neck until it reached my right breast. I moaned harder when he started sucking it like a fucking baby as his right hand plays with my left breast.

Golddamn it!

I felt his hand travelling down to the waistband of my shorts and painfully pulled it downwards with my underwear. Fucking shit! Holy shit! Damn this! What the hell. I kept on moaning and moaning louder.

"Shit!" I cursed out loud when one of his fingers entered me. "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" I kept cursing as it goes in and out of me. His fingers went faster and faster, "Baek--hyun-ah!"

His lips found its way back to mine, as he removed the boxers he was wearing. Damn! I didn't know he was only wearing boxers for fuck's sake. I didn't look at him, as in him down there because hell, I am not fucking ready. I cursed inside my head as he positioned himself upon entering me. Damn! This is my first time and I freaking know that it's going to be painful as hell.

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