1: The Sasaeng way

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I am sitting few meters away from where Byun BaekHyun is eating. Oh my gosh. How can he be so hot when he's simply eating like normal people does? I grabbed my camera and secretly took pictures of him then a crew walked past the table where I am.

"Chogiyo." I mumbled, he went near me and I whispered. "Can you give me the chopsticks that guy," I pointed BaekHyun, "is using?"

"Waeyo?" He asked.

I smiled at him, "Just give it to me, okay? Don't you dare wash it." I took my wallet out of my bag and handed him 50,000 won together with a zip lock plastic bag, "Put it in here."

He left after that while I started to watch him again. I'm going to make you mine, Byun BaekHyun. I was smiling like a crazy girl while watching him. I was waiting for him to look at my direction but he didn't. It made me sad for a few moments but not until I got his chopsticks.

Yay! Another BaekHyun chopsticks! I grabbed my bag and hurriedly went to my car to follow their car. Of course, I stayed few meters away from it. They shouldn't know about me or else, it's doomsday for me and for my love story.

I took pictures of him as he went inside their dorm. I've been here many times before, I even saw Elle of 3cks coming out of their dorm. Even before when she's not yet a Kpop Idol, that's why it didn't shock me when I heard about her relationship with Tao. I was expecting it.

I can usually see her walking out with Tao, countless times before. But I didn't care about them, that was their lives so I'm out of it. All I want to care about is BaekHyun and how will we end up together.

I looked at my watch, 12:36 am. I don't think BaekHyun will still go out of their dorm this late. Hmm. I guess it's time to go home. Jaljayo, yeobo.


Gosh, I thought I was late. I immediately got off my car and brought my bag with me. I was half running not until I pulled her arm, "Chogiyo."

She seemed pissed at me but I don't care, "What do you need?" She looked at me wierdly. Well, who wouldn't? I was wearing a thick black longsleeves, black gloves, black facemask and a sunglass.

I swallowed air and gave her a warm smile, "I heard EXO will have a press con here, later?"

"Can you go straight to the point? D'you know that I'm busy?" She said rolling her eyes on me.

The hell I care about your life! I took a deep breath and spoke, "Give me a press pass for the press con."

Her eyes widened, "And why will I give you that?"

She's wasting my time, "Because I want you to give me that."

She laughed like I'm crazy, "Do you think it's as easy as one, two, three?"

I bit my lip. Gosh. Don't push me to my limits, "Yes. Give me the d-mn press pass now."

I heard her say 'Tsk.', "You're crazy, you should go home now. You're wasting my time."

She was about to leave when I pulled her again, this time full force. "You're the one who's wasting my time."

"I will never give you the press pass." She said like nothing can change her mind.

I grinned at her and looked around, I turned my back on her. She's not doing it right. I slowly took my gun out of my bag and turned to her again, "Hell, yeah. It's easy as one, two, three."

"Don't play games with me, Miss." She said wide eyed. I can see her eyes trembling.

"You don't play games with someone like me. Now give me the pass because I'm gonna be f-cking late." I reached my boiling point. If she just gave me the pass earlier, it could've been better.

She looked around, "Someone will hear that gun if you'll kill me."

Pretending to be brave, eh? I shook my head in disbelief, "Can't you see the silencer? And I'm not stupid enough not to check this place before I do things like this. There's no CCTV camera in this area. No one uses this door except you." She was about to shout when I inserted the gun inside her mouth, "Now, shout." She was crying, that drama won't work with me. "Good girl. Where's the pass?"

She shakily handed me the pass from her pocket, I smiled in victory. "If someone knows about this, get ready to die. D'you understand?" I said with my gun still in her mouth. Gladly, she nodded. I patted her head, "Good girl." I mouthed then inserted a few cash in her pocket.

I hopped in my car and drove into the parking lot. I ran my way to the press con hall with my camera on my hand and the press pass pinned on my blouse. Good thing, there's still a seat in the front row. I didn't think twice and sat on it, I looked to my side and saw FlashLight Eoni sitting beside me. How a great catch. -_-

She smiled at me and I smiled back. This is exciting. The most popular fansite master-nim and the best sasaeng of Byun BaekHyun sitting side by side. Well, I can't let her know that I'm a sasaeng, that's boring. She'll hate me while I'll just ignore her, it's better this way.

A few minutes later a staff looked for the press pass, FlashLight showed her pass. Ugh. How can she get that, huh? While I have to scare someone first before I can have it. :( I showed mine to the staff and smiled, nervousness can't be seen on my face. I've done this so many times before so I already know the way things play.

The staff gave me back the pass and turned to the others, they discovered 3 sasaengs at the back. I looked back to see them. Aww. You should be as great as me, dongsaengs. Maybe they're just a low class sasaengs who'll hurt EXO and bash them once they got kicked out of the fandom. I pity them and despise them as the same time, I don't want to see my boys hurt.

Yes, I'm a sasaeng fan but I don't have any plan of hurting them. I just invade their privacy and yeah, collect things they used specially BaekHyun's.

Even, I, myself don't know what things can I do for them. But yeah, I don't give a d-mn.

I just need BaekHyun and life's perfect.


In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now