31: Start of the End

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I'm looking for someone who'll attend the BTS: Epilogue in Manila, I don't have anyone with me and I don't want to go alone. I'll be in the Gen Ad area or the Upper Box Limited since I'm broke huhu. Summer vacation sucks. Please please please, if you're going then do message me right away.

Love you xx


"Thank you for cooperating, Sergeant. And sorry for the inconvenience." I mumbled as the police officer beside me unlocked my handcuffs.

"You're welcome, Agent Fearless. I was surprised to see you there, it looks like he doesn't know who you are to have you reported."

I just gave him a short smile. I don't want to talk too much about what happened, it makes me feel sour. You're too cruel, love.

I am Agent Fearless, I work with the Korean Bureau of Investigations and is one of their secret agents. I am under the Idol sector where I take care of their security against other sasaengs or anyone that can harm them. Funny how a sasaeng kills another sasaeng because that's her job, right?

I have the license to kill those people that I have killed and hurt those people that I have hurt. I am not a fucking criminal just like what Byun Baekhyun thinks.

Lee Soohyeon also known as FlashLight, yes, that bitch, is a scammer. She had a preorder of this so-called photobook of hers and a lot of EXO-Ls sent their order forms and payments since she's one of those fansite master-nims that always catches an eye contact with Byun and is actually "trustworthy" these past years but it's been 5 months since the supposed to be deadline of the delivery but until now, none was delivered.

They kept on asking her about it but she deactivated all her accounts and disappeared. She's been hiding these past months and I was the only one who can distinguish her everytime she disguises. I don't know if it's because I'm smart or the others are just stupid.

I took care of her case right after I killed the guy from before, and earlier, she triggered me to send her to jail.

"Where do you want us to drop you off, Agent?"

I removed my eyes from the window and looked at him, "In the headquarters."

After few minutes, the car stopped in front of the headquarters and I immediately hopped off. I didn't forget to thank them again then gave them a soft salute.

I had a shit day, didn't I? I slowly walked towards the door and pressed my thumb on the scanner. When I entered a co-agent welcomed me with an earful of words. Damn it.

"I heard what happened. Nam Sora, why do you have to shoot her in front of him?" Her voice is getting to my nerves but I didn't have the energy to be involved in an argument.

Acting like I don't hear any of her shits, I went inside my office with her still behind me.

"You could've done it somewhere else! Why do it in front of a Kpop idol? Why do it in a public area? He'll be traumatized!" She yelled.

I clenched my fists and faced her, "I AM TRAUMATIZED TOO, BITCH!" Fuck it, no one gets to raise their voice on me. No one for fuck's sake. "He just saw me shoot someone! But what did I see? What happened to me?" My voice were shaky and my knees began to tremble, "The only person that I cared for in this fucking world just called the fucking police to turn me in. After all those things that I did to protect him and make him see that I'm doing it all for him, I still lost him. DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW FUCKING PAINFUL IT IS TO KNOW THAT HE NEVER TRUSTED ME?"

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now