Hae's Opening Note

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Hi! This is Hae.

I just want to inform you that this is not your ordinary fan fiction. It might contain curses, violent scenes and a crazy plot. So if you're 14 and below, stop right here. But if you still want to read this, go. No one's stopping you. If you already don't like how the story flows, remove it from your library and kindly stop reading. I don't want to receive any kind of bashing just because you didn't like how the story goes.

Remember, please feel free to message me anytime. Just don't plug your story in my inbox.

Dos and Don'ts.

AVOID leaving comments like 'update', 'update more', 'ud', 'ud pleaseeeeee' and such.

I am craving for COMMENTS, wonderful, nice and cheerful comments.

Vote if you liked the chapter, don't if you didn't. EASY, right?

Don't ask for a follow back, I didn't ask you to follow me anyway. But if you did, thank you.

MY MESSAGE BOARD is NOT your PLUGGING BOARD. Same as my inbox.


Huang Zi Tao is my ultimate bias, I don't wanna be misunderstood again.

This fanfic will take 20 chapters, more or less.

I won't entertain everyone who wants appearances and roles.

I don't update regularly, my readers since my first fanfic knows that.

I'm not mean, if you're not. But I transform into a b-tch if I find you rude.

I write notes at the end of the update and please find time to at least to read it and appreciate my effort.

THIS IS PART OF MY IN A RELATIONSHIP SERIES. You have to read the previous installments before reading this one to avoid spoilers and misunderstandings. :)

This is the list IN ORDER:

• In a Relationship With Tao of EXO
• In a Relationship with Suho of EXO
• Exclusively Dating Tao of EXO
• In a Relationship With Chanyeol of EXO
• In a Relationship With Baekhyun of EXO

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now