18: Last Day

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"Do have any DVDs?" Baekhyun asked as he plays with my hair, twirling it with his flawless fingers. My head was on his lap, I was busy staring at him. He looks really cute at night.

Tonight is the 20th night. Yes, the deal is ending soon.

"Yes, I have some." I pointed the CD rack, "Choose there and I'll just get us some popcorn." I stood up and when I went back, he asked me.

"Why do you have this?"

My jaw dropped in shock when I saw Baekhyun playing a very familiar cd. He removed his eyes from the television and stared at me. Confusion and curiousity were written all over his face. I stepped forward and clicked stop from the remote, "Why are you watching this?" I immediately removed the cd from the player.

"Tell me, why do you have a cd from Shin Eunha?"

I gritted my teeth, "That's none of your busines--"


"Okay! Fine!" I stood up and faced him, "I'm the one who sent her videos! I'm the one who edited those, transferred them into CDs and have them delivered at everyone's door!"

His forehead creased, "Why?"

I looked away with my lips trembling, "Because I am her friend,." I whispered with almost no voice.

The scenes that day came back like a film. Fuck eidetic imagery. Fuck it.

I removed my eyes from Byun Baekhyun who's currently buying cup noodles from a convenient store and fished my phone that just vibrated again.

From: Shit Eunha
I'm dying.

What the fuck? I hurriedly typed a reply. This girl is really fucking my mind.

To: Shit Eunha
Quit kidding.

Wait. What if this bitch is telling the truth? What if she's really dying? Holy shit. My palms were getting damped. S-She's leaving me? That girl doesn't know how to kid. I deleted what I typed and tapped for a new one.

To: Shit Eunha
I don't give a fuck.

She's leaving me, alright. Everyone's leaving me. She's sick? I was right. I knew it. Those nosebleeds are too frequent, she became too thin. And those bruises? Bruises that doesn't hurt? Damn. I fucking knew it.

I acted like I don't give a shit but I do. I ditched Byun Baekhyun since that night and decided to follow Park Chanyeol. I'm certain that he knows where that bitch is. And he does.

I followed that giant for so many nights. I always wait at the nearest stairs outside her room, waiting for Park Chanyeol to leave so I can talk to that bitch but bullshit. He never left her side. Her parents are always outside her room too but they took another suite where they can sleep every night.

Then this one night came, I saw Park Chanyeol leaving her room with his shoulder bag. Finally, I thought. For so many fcking nights I finally had the chance. I waited for few minutes before entering.

I was frozen to my feet when I entered her room, "Shit," I mumbled. She was so fucking thin I couldn't even recognize her. Her skin was pale with a lot of bruises on it. Her eyes were shut and I got goosebumps all over me. She looked like a corpse for fuck's sake. "Bitch, what the fuck is this?" I asked out of disbelief.

She's awake. I'm fucking sure she's awake.

I saw how the corner of her lips lifted. Golddamn it. I couldn't force my feet to come near her.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now