13: Who Is She?

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"I said go inside, Byun Baekhyun."

"Calm down, So---"

I pointed my lipstick pistol at him and shouted, "JUST GET THE FÜCK INSIDE BEFORE I SHOOT YOU!"

The damn girl pulled Baekhyun's sleeves and hid behind him. I saw red. I shifted the pistol to her direction, "Hands off my man, bitch." She immediately removed her hands and stepped back but her words were clear and my ears caught every freaking word.

"I told you, Baekhyun. She'll just hurt you!"

I aimed for the rock beside her feet and pulled the trigger, "Shut the fuck up!" She screamed and jumped away. Fùcking whòre. She makes me want to slap and stab her to death. Dangerous thoughts are inside my head, different questions that makes me want to shoot her down.

"Sora, calm down!" I heard Baekhyun say and I stared at him. His arms were open as if protecting the girl behind him or as if that act can calm me down, "Just fücking go inside before I snap out." I whispered, trying to control myself.

I want to ask him why. Why are they together? Why is she here? Why did he go out to talk to her? How can she talk to him like they knew each other for freaking ages?!

Baekhyun nervously nodded. Are you scared, huh? Are you supposed to be scared? Do you think I'll shoot you? He stood straight and slowly walked toward the door behind me but I can't ignore the words he whispered before he walked past me, "Don't hurt her, Sora. Jebal."

I rolled my eyes, my fingers are itching to pull the trigger. Why can't I kill her? Who the fuck is she? My eyes followed him as he entered inside. Who's this bitch, Byun Baekhyun? This curiosity makes me want to kill her more because of his freaking words. He took one last glance before shutting the door close. I tilted my head and glared at this whore, "Leave him alone, bitch."

Her mouth opened as if she was about to say something but then she closed it again. She looked away and returned her eyes on me, like she can't believe what I had just said. She's damn annoying. "If there's someone who should leave him alone, that's you." She grinned at me, "I am just concerned with what can happen to Baekhyun because of you. So just leave him alone, Nam Sora."

I smirked, gone is the kind FlashLight Eoni that everyone adores? What a damsel-in-distress wanna be. Acting like a weakling when Byun's around and turns into freaking bitch when he's not? Two faced wh*re. Desperate ho. Just by merely looking at her makes me want to puke.

I hate her face, damn, I loathe her.

"Fuck you, bitch." I hissed, "The odds are with you I can't kill you tonight, but don't be disappointed. I'll kill you soon." I put down my lipstick pistol, "Don't touch my man, don't text or call him, don't worry about him. Stop caring at him because I can protect him more than you can. He is mine and I am crazy enough to slash your throat and skin you alive using a spoon."

I raised my eyebrow at her, "Just don't ever come in my way, I won't think twice slaying you."

I turned my back, slowly stepping toward the door, ignoring the words she hollered.

"Damn you, bitch!"

I slowly shook my head with the victorious grin on my face. You just can't accept that Byun Baekhyun is staying with me and that's one thing you can't make him do. I held the door and opened it, looking at Byun Baekhyun who was eavesdropping since earlier. Is that how concerned you are? Trying to eavesdrop even though know you can't hear anything?

The function hall was soundproofed but this guy right here tried his best to hear the conversation between me and the bitch but sadly, he wasn't able to.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now