20: Fun

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"W-What?" Baekhyun mumbled. He probably hasn't processed it yet, it's a fucking lot to take in. Yes, who would've thought that a sasaeng and someone as kind as Shin Eunha could be friends, even I, myself, don't think I deserve being her friend.

She was the angel. I was the demon. That's how big our gap was.

I looked away and headed to my room, I don't want to talk about her for now. I lied down, curled on my bed. I feel drained remembering what happened on her last day and the day after. Damn. I missed her more.

I felt the bed shift and suddenly a pair of arms were wrapped on my waist, he placed his chin on my right shoulder. "I'm sorry," he whispered, I shut my eyes hard and nodded my head even though there's no reason for him to be sorry.

I turned around and hugged him tighter, dipping my head on his neck. Ugh. He smells so good. I can feel his hands playing with the tips of my hair, releasing all the tension inside my body that was hidden since birth. It felt like being small and weak.

"I'm sorry because I wasn't there for you when you lost her, you must've felt lonely before." He kissed my head, tears were forming in my eyes.

It's okay, love. I'm okay. Always. I want to say but the words cannot come out of my mouth.

"I didn't know you were that friend she was talking about in my CD." I heard him chuckle a bit, "She asked me to look after her friend who was madly in love with me. 'The girl who can't cry' as what she called her," he removed some of my hair that was on my face and cupped my cheeks, looking straight in my eyes. "You can cry now and I'll wipe them for you."

My lips trembled as my hands shook, and gone was the girl who can't cry.

My sobs filled the room. I lied. I grieved, and I am still grieving. Every day. Every minute. Every second of my life. It's fucking hard not having her beside me, especially now that I have Baekhyun. I have no one to squeal with, to pinch while I tell her that Baekhyun kissed me, to listen to me while I curse that eyeless person.

Seven long years of grieving after her death and I am still not over it. Not even a bit.

Baekhyun started kissing the tears on my cheeks, on my eyes, all over my face. I laughed hard not minding my nasal voice, "Fuck you!" I whined, "The atmosphere was so sad! Why do you have to turn me on?"

He started laughing at me, "Why are you so wild, Nam Sora?"

I smirked at him and leaned over his ear, biting his earlobe. "Because you're so hot in bed--Ahh!" My eyes grew wide, accusing him, and my mouth opened in awe. Holy shit! He did not just slap my butt. Oh fuck.

A grin appeared on his face, pulling me on his top, "Dasi chajaon," A smile escaped from my lips as his voice sent shivers down my spine. Hearing him singing Beautiful on this bed is fucking something. "neowa naui gyejeore,
gieokhal su issgessni
ttururururuttuttuttu oh yeh all rig--"

I couldn't wait for that line to be finished and just covered his mouth with mine. One second, I was shedding a tear like shit and now, I'm kissing this one hell of a hot Byun Baekhyun.

Day 21. I scoffed. 7 days left and we're bound to be apart for the rest of our lives. I stared at Byun Baekhyun who's currently rehearsing for this certain music show. I turned my DLSR on and started taking pictures of him. Damn. He looks so hot with sweat all over his face.

Unfortunately, we just made out last night. Well, why would he even let something happen between him and someone he'll soon leave? That's fucking bullsht but I can't do something about it because that's the truth.

I stood up and went to the backstage to prepare their food with the rest of the team. Their coordi noonas are kind, I'm thankful as hell that they are taking good care of these precious guys of EXO-Ls.

I picked up some lunchboxes and distributed it to the staff, these lunchboxes were sent by Crushelle and Minhye. Ugh. Those bitches. They prepared it together and didn't even bother to call me so I could watch them. I don't even know why the fuck Crushelle helps when Tao is no longer in EXO--Wait, I think I know why. She's a fucking SM artist, she's close to the whole staff, she's an EXO-L, and these guys are her life before she became Elle. Yeah, darn.

I heard the members' voices, still the loud gays. I rolled my eyes before grabbing Byun Baekhyun's towel from my shoulder. "Ya!" He looked at me when I called him, I threw the towel on his face and the other members started laughing.

I started giving them their lunchboxes and chopsticks with a grin on my face.

"Who cooked this, Sora?" Lay asked me and I faced him with a smile, "The princess and the leader's girlfriend."

"This must be good if Elle cooked," I heard Kai mumble.

"Kai," I called him.


I gave him my sweetest smile, "I'll cook for you soon so you'd know that I cook way, way better than Elle."

He just shook his head and laughed at me, I slightly hit him with the pair of chopsticks. I rolled my eyes when he acted like I chopped his arm off before sitting next to Baekhyun.

I gave him his chopsticks and whispered, "Put your chopsticks inside the ziplock in my bag after eating."

"You still collect it?" He looked at me like I was eating shit, and I looked back at him because he asked me something lame, "Of course! Didn't you notice? You're using new chopsticks everyday."

Byun Baekhyun looked at me like I was insane so before he could open his mouth to say something, I said, "I'm terminally insane, I know." Before smiling sheepishly at him.

No one here knows that I am a sasaeng except the two of us. The whole EXO are so comfortable eating around me right now, little did they know that I'll be keeping their chopsticks later. Damn, this is so fun!

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now