4: Blackmailing

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I shrugged the feeling off and responded to his kisses. I didn't know he was this great in kissing. The kiss lasted for minutes, we moved away and gasped for air.

"Who are you?" He asked, his voice is husky and he was quite panting.

Sexy. I brushed the sweat on my forehead. That kiss was so intense. I looked at him and grinned, "You don't have to know."

"Why am I here? Who are you? How did I get here? What am I doing here?" He asked and started shouting.

It didn't matter since this place is soundproofed, but it was annoying! I pulled my gun from the back of my shorts and pointed at him, "Shut up!"

"Who are you! Let me go!" He yelled, he was even trying to get the cuffs off his hands that created another noise.

I can feel my blood boiling up, "Shut the fck up!" I squeezed the barrel and pointed the gun on his head. "Create one more noise and your fcking blood will be all over the place!"

He glared at me. Ohh. Stop the hate, Byun BaekHyun. I'm here to love you.

"Nuguya?" He asked, his voice was calm but I know deep inside he wasn't.

I gave him a peck on the lips, "One question, one kiss." I grinned at him, "Nam Sora, Nam Sora imnida." This is exciting! I've been waiting for this to happen.

"What do you want from me?"

I kissed him again, I wanted to kiss him longer but he pulled away. "Feisty, huh?" I chuckled a bit. I started singing Love on Top, "Come on, baby it's you. You're the one I love, you're the one I need." Then I stopped and mumbled, "You."

"Meet me tomorrow at the same cafe, Baekhyunie." I stated. I'll let him know my plans and everything I want to happen.

He's still trying to get rid of the handcuffs and continued glaring at me. I bursted into laughter and showed him the keys, "Jagiya, you can't get away from me that easily."

His jaw clenched. Right, just like a handsome prince protecting his princess. That's me, I am his princess. No one else but me. "I'm gonna bring this to court." He said.

I just smirked at him, "I won't stop you but I'll warn you in advance that it's not going to work." His forehead creased, maybe he didn't understand what I just said. I lifted his chin and made him look at me, "My dad's the richest person in South Korea, money can do everything. My uncle is the prime minister, connections can be a big help."

He looks so cute! I wanted to stop for a while but that would ruin the moment and the atmosphere itself.

He must be so frustrated right now. I stepped back, "As I said, meet me at the cafe. 3 am, tomorrow. Don't make me wait because I see red when I'm bored."

I threw daggers at him, "I'll do something bad if you don't come." Sorry, but I'm really desperate for you.

"And what will you do?" He bravely asked.

I sat on the chair and crossed my legs, "Choose. Byun BaekBeom? Your eomma? Your Appa?" I pouted because I seemed to forgot one person then I immediately grinned when I finally remembered, "How about Halmoni?"

"Don't you dare touch my family!" He yelled.

I can't believe that I can witness how Byun BaekHyun transform into a wolf, a wild wolf. How can you be this hot? "I won't, if you'll only follow everything I want."

"What do you want me to do?!" I felt worried when I saw his wrists turning red because of the handcuffs.

The smirk disappeared from my face and I became serious, I really want this to work. "Be my boyfriend."

He was silent for a while then he bursted into laughter, "And you think I'll agree?"

"If you won't then say goodbye to your family." I told him.

"Fine!" He yelled.

"Good boy." I kissed his lips. Dmn. I think this is illegal. Kissing this lips is addictive. I fished the key from my shorts' pocket and set him free from the handcuffs. "Hug me." I ordered.

He just stared at me with no plans of following me. I pointed the gun to him once more, "Hug me." I repeated.

Without hesitation, he hugged me. I smirked, I'm loving this. Looks like I made the right choice. I pulled his face towards mine and kissed his lips, my lips started moving but his didn't. "Kiss.. me.. back.." I said between my kisses.

I felt his lips moving too. I let go of the gun and placed it on the bed. I guided his hands to my back then one of my hands held his nape while the other traveled to his hair.

We were catching our breaths when I stood up and slid the gun in the back of my shorts, "Let's go, I'll take you home." He stood up and I removed the lipstick marks on his face. I smiled at him and entwined my fingers with his, then I pulled him outside and pushed him inside the car.

We were silent as I drove our way to their dorm. "Did I scare you?" I asked trying to break the ice.

I glance at him but he was just staring outside the window. Maybe I did.

I turned the engine off when we reached the building. I gave him another peck on the lips before hopping outside to open his door. Kiss addict. He got off the car and mumbled, "Thank you."

He started walking away without even glancing at me. "3 am on the same coffee shop, Byun BaekHyun." I reminded but he didn't even answer. He was just walking away.

I got annoyed so I pulled the gun from my shorts and called him, "Byun BaekHyun! "

He turned around and his eyes went wide as I pointed the gun at him and slowly pulled the trigger.

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