22: Safe to Leave

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Every liquor I mentioned last chapter is real. Blow job is real. Quick fuck is and everything I mentioned. Before I started this fanfic, I researched about alcohols since Sora is a bar owner and a bartender at the same time. I searched about the pros and cons of rum, whiskey, vodka, tequila, wine, and beer. I discovered about the drink that Sora gave to D.O. and also the drinks I mentioned. So I didn't make it up. ;)


I woke up feeling my head heavy. I slowly opened my eyes and let the adjust to the light of this room. What the hell happened again? I was lying on my stomach and felt pain on my right shoulder and left calf.

You're shot!

Ugh. Now I remember. I must be in the hospital right now. So, I was shot twice. Damn. I didn't even feel that. Fuck that fucker! He was lucky that he had the chance to shoot me before he died. Ah! He's dead. At least now he's dead.

You killed someone again, Sora. Not just one person but three.

Who the fuck cares? It's not even new that I killed someone. 30. I already killed 30 people as of now. I tried looking around but I found no one. Who will even be here? I got no friend, no family. Shin Eunha was long gone so I don't expect anyone to be here. Where's Byun Baekhyun anyway? I hope he's home, sleeping.

I sat up, groaning. Holy shit! That fucker knows where to hit me. I glanced at the side table and saw my phone lying there. I grabbed it and checked the time. 7:31 AM. Damn. I hope Baekhyun had already eaten his breakfast! There's cereal anyway, I'm sure he ate some before leaving the house or maybe, he slept at their dorm. Yeah, he probably did since we were there last night. I'm fucking sure that he just called the ambulance to pick me up and let his manager arrange things for me in here.

Sadly, today is Day 22. I only have 6 days left.

I pushed the red button beside my bed to call the nurse. I need to get out of here already. It makes me sick and makes me miss someone more. I'm sure if she was here, she'd finally curse at me for not taking care of myself.

The lights inside the room blinked and that made me chuckle. "Ne, Shin Eunha. Mianhae." I'll take care of myself more from now on.

The nurse came in, "Omo. Nam Sora-ssi, you're not supposed to sit yet."

Her line made me roll my eyes, I am not Nam Sora if I listened to them. "I have to get out now, you can remove the dextrose already."

"But you're not--"

"Just fucking do it, bitch!" I screamed. Dammit! She's making my wounds more painful and my blood boil this early. She avoided my eyes and followed my order.

After removing the IV from my hand, I headed to the closet and checked if I had clothes there which I have. EXO's manager really took care of everything, huh. I grabbed everything I need and changed inside the bathroom. Ugh. My leg hurts when I walk. I really hate feeling handicapped!

I next went to the cashier and paid for my bills using my card. I found my wallet inside the drawer of the side table. My stomach grumbled and I decided to drive through McDonald's later.

I was about to leave after signing for the receipt when a familiar voice called me.

"Sora Eoni!"

I turned around and saw Crushelle Santiago--- Wait. Crushelle Huang running towards my direction. I looked at her with confusion, why is she in the hospital? Did something happen?

"Wae?" I asked her when she stopped in front of me, catching her breath.

She didn't answer right away, she just stared at me and then frowned, "Why are you leaving already? You're not fully healed!"

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