7: Make Up

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I grabbed his bag from him and made sure that everything in my house is locked, he stepped outside and I pulled the door locked.

We started walking side by side, I held his hand and entwined my fingers to his but he didn't. It felt like I was holding hands with a doll. I pulled my hand away. I may be desperate but I say no to stupidity.

I opened his door for him and put our bags in the backseat. I brought my DSLR too, not because I'm his girlfriend already I'd quit being his sasaeng fan and their fan. I sat on the driver's seat and drove away to their schedule's location, "What do you want to eat? I'll buy something from McDonald's." I asked him.

"Anything," I glanced at him, he was looking outside the window.

I stopped the car at the side of the road and took the pillow neck from the back and handed it to him, "You better sleep first, you need to sleep."

Luckily, he grabbed it from my hand and used it.

That very small gesture made me smile. I maneuvered the car and resumed driving again. I drove through McDonald's and bought something to eat.

I handed him the paper bag, "Eat," I don't like him getting sick. Plus, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. He started eating while I was driving. It's like a romantic scene in a Kdrama where the girl will feed her boyfriend while she's driving. And since our love story's opposite, he's the one who should feed me.

I mentally giggled, just by thinking of that certain scene gives me an indescribable feeling. I slowly glanced at him, he was eating his burger like he's shooting a CF. I faked a cough, hoping that he'll sort of notice that I'm waiting for him to feed me but I forgot that this is Byun BaekHyun. He did nothing and just stared at me for a little while and resumed eating.

What the actual fck?

I rolled my eyes and focused my eyes on the road which is hard because I can't take my eyes off of this man beside me. How can be my everything be here with me? I just can't believe that he's really here. My life. My dream. My guy.

After few minutes I decided to speak, "Ugh, I'm hungry." I mumbled. I really want that scene to happen in real life. I was waiting for him to respond but he just gave me the paper bag. I glared at him but didn't seem like he gives a sht.

This unpredictable gay is getting into my nerves.

I looked at him once again but this time he was leaning against the window again with his eyes shut.

You're going to love me soon. You'll fall hard. You're going to be obsessed like I am. Overdosed. Smitten. Drugged. By love.

I rolled my eyes and focused my full attention on the road which is hard though. It's hard to stop yourself from looking at the guy of your dreams when he's just exactly beside you.


I carried his bag and walked faster so I could catch up with him, "Ya!"

He looked--err, glared at me. "You should wait for me!" I yelled.

Ugh. This fearless gay! He's too stubborn, now I know why he's part of the Beagle line. I was able to catch up and walked beside him, ignoring this heavy bag of his. I held his left hand and intertwined our fingers. I bit my lip and giggled on my head. You're a lucky btch, Sora.

His manager scolded him because he was almost late, I want to butt in but I don't think Baekhyun will like it so I decided to stay silent beside him.

"How about your make up? It's just 7 minutes before you perform on stage! Do you think they can put on such make up that fast--" His manager said that made me roll my eyes.

"Stop talking," I couldn't control myself, "I'll do his make up and shut the fuck up." His manager lookef irritated at me but I don't give a shit. No one scolds my Byun BaekHyun in front of me.

I pulled Baekhyun and made him sit on the chair in front if the mirror then picked up the brush and started applying make up on his flawless face. I emphasized his eyes by applying, of course, eyeliner. That's a must for Baekhyun's make up. He's not the stage diva if he goes up on stage without it.

After three minutes, I was done. "Go, change your clothes." I told him and he obliged. I put down the brush and looked at everyone who was looking at me with amusement in their eyes. I just smirked at them before walking away with my camera. I have to capture every second of this performance for I was the one who did his make up.

I didn't get the chance to greet the other members because they're already at the backstage.

There are so many fans right here, I searched for a better spot and good thing I found one. Their VCR is already playing when I got satisfied with my position. I turned my DSLR on, I had this urge to look around. I glanced to my right and saw FlashLight beside me. I nearly rolled my eyes when I saw her preparing her camera. What the hell is she doing here?

Stupid, Sora. She's a fansite master-nim.

I flipped my hair and looked away. Stop being jealous, you're the girlfriend now.

I started taking pictures of him when they were on stage already. Their song started playing and the EXO-Ls were screaming their lungs out. I kept on smiling when I heard them praising Baekhyun's make up. I admit, he really looks hot with that look. You did a good job, Sora.

When their song finished, they did their ment. He looked at my direction, the girls around me became crazy and I took the chance to take his pictures. The thought of him looking at me made me smile like a kid.

When they walked back on the backstage, I looked at the pictures that I just took. He looks so damn hot. I zoomed a certain picture, the one when he looked at my direction. Fck. Another picture of him looking at me. I zoomed it some more. Bullsht.

I blinked thrice to make sure that I am not dreaming, I zoomed it again exactly on his eyes. Damn it, Byun BaekHyun.

That moment, I want to throw my camera with my full force.

He wasn't looking at me. He was looking at this fcking girl beside me.

I wanted to cry but damn, I am not one of those weak girls.


I just want to hit the head of this FlashfuckingLight with my camera.

I heard the MC call them once more to perform their last song but I am no longer interested in taking his pictures. I stepped out of the crowd and was planning on going back to their dressing room when someone caught my eye.


That assh*le is here.

I ran back to the dressing room to place my camera back to its bag and went back to where I was to search for that guy.

I bit my lip, he was still here. His eyes met mine and he started running away.

I kept my eyes on him while chasing him.

I have to get him. I have to kill him. Darn.

I grabbed my caliber 45 under my skirt. I ran faster, but hell, these fcking heels aren't helping. I wanted to shoot him right now but I can't. There are too many people right here, no one innocent is supposed to get hurt.

That would be too much for the other sasaengs. Another headline news about us. Flash news: Sasaeng kills innocent fans.

No. That's the last thing I'd want.

My father will kill me for that.

I cursed under my breath when I lost him.

Fck. Fck. Fck.

How did I let that chance slip away? I didn't know I was that stupid. Ugh. I carefully slid the caliber 45 under my skirt again.

I walked back to their dressing room, still catching my breath, only to find it empty.

Where the fuck is he?

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now