14: Hoobae

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Flash Light is Flash Light. She's not Polar Light or smth. Baekhyun has a lot of master-nims with the Light word that's why I used it and also because it is his 'power'. So please, stop referring Flashlight as Polarlight.


Baekhyun went back to my table and I don't fucking know why. I'm still fuming mad! I can't get this image of him and that fucking Flashlight inside my head. Why are they so close? How can she be that close to him? How can she make him go out of the hall for her? Who the fuck is she?

"We are inviting all the other couples to join the newly wed," Shindong said.

He reached for my hand and held it tight, "What the fuck?" I whispered. I thought he doesn't want anyone to know about us? He just grinned at me and pulled me to the dance floor. I stared at him, wide-eyed. Why are you doing this, Byun Baekhyun? He placed my hands on his shoulders before wrapping his arms around my waist. He's too close, dammit!

I heard a very familiar song and voices too. I looked in front and saw Bangtan's vocal line singing Propose. Wth.

I looked at the other couples in the dance floor. I saw Suho and Minhye, Luhan and that freaking Yixia, YiFan and I think that's his Ai, Kyungsoo's with a very familiar girl, Lay's with someone I don't know, Minseok's with the girl I oftenly see at Coffee Cube, Kai's with his ex, Chen's with some unimportant girl and fuck! Why is Chanyeol dancing with that Eunhae? Shit, that bitch!

I loathe her now.

Just like that freaking FlashLight. And what the fuck is her real name anyway? I freaking sound stupid calling her Flash fucking Light.

I heard this guy in front of me sigh. What the hell is his problem?

"I'm sorry about earlier," he said.

I rolled my eyes. Too late, Byun. Too late. That word can never bring anything back nor reverse what have happened.

He pulled me closer to him, resting his chin on my left shoulder as he sings the song. "Good to you, good to you."

Good to me? Really? Wow. I bit my lower lip in disappointment, I don't want to cause a scene here. "Your members will know about us," I mumbled, coldly.

"They already do."

I blinked twice, forcing myself to recover from the shock. Nam Sora is supposed to be composed as always. "Are you fcking kidding me?" I looked around and watched the other members dance with their girls, if they are theirs though and when I glanced back at Baekhyun, he was already staring at me as if he was trying to melt me with his eyes.

"I'm serious, Sora."

My forehead creased, "You don't want anyone to know, remember?"

"I can't help it," he said.

Wait. What the fuck. I removed my hands from his shoulders and stepped back, "You told them that I blackmailed you," My eyes narrowed at him as his eyes stares right into my soul, "you told them about the deal, didn't you?"

He tried to hold my hand but I shoved him away. Why can't he just fucking answer me?

"No, that's not what it is, Sor--"

"Then what is it?" I waited for him to say something, to defend himself but none came. He just stood there, biting his lower lip and it was so fucking hard resisting it so I turned around and left the function hall.

He's really testing me. I hate this shit.

"Sora," I heard him call me but I didn't bother looking back. I just want to hate him for now. How dare he tell them about it when he's the one who doesn't even want it to be discovered? He even told them about the blackmailing part. Damn him.

I reached at the parking lot, clicked the remote of my car to unlock it but he already pulled my arm right before I can open the door, "What?"

"Where are you going, Sora?" He was asking, his breathing became ragged.

"I'm going home, you can stay at your dorm for the night." I pulled my arm from his grasp, I was dumbfounded when I saw how pale his face was. Did I fucking say anything wrong? Damn. I should act like I don't give a shit.

"Why do I have to sleep in the dorm tonight? Trust me, I didn't tell them about the blackmail, I just told them that we're in a relationship." His eyes looked disappointed, "Trust me, I didn't."

Okay. Fine. Trust him. Okay. Trust him. I looked away and took a deep breath. Damn, Sora. Calm fucking down. You're a sasaeng of this beautiful, young man and take note the lover part. I almost smirked. Lover? What the actual fuck.

He stepped forward and pulled my waist closer to him as he whispered the words, "Let's go back inside, please."

I rolled my eyes. How can I even say no to this fucking guy? He knows he's my kryptonite, sure he knows and that's bullshit. He's got my around his fingers and there's nothing I can do anymore but just do what he says. "Fine," I said in surrender.

We entered the venue with his hand still around my waist, I feel proud knowing that he doesn't look like he has any thought of removing it especially that we're in front of many people. I just wish that fucking Flashlight is fucking here so she can witness this fucking scene and feel hell. I made a mental note to ask this fucking Byun about that bitch.

The other members are no longer on the dance floor although it was not empty, the wedded couple are roaming around the hall. Sending thank yous, I assume.

My eyes narrowed at someone approaching the two of us, an evil grin suddenly appeared on my face as I glanced at Byun Baekhyun.

He turned to Baekhyun and greeted him, "Hyung." They did this fist bump but I was amused at how Byun's face was. I'm sure he's not surprised because he already saw him singingg earlier so I guess he doesn't like him here. But why? I thought he was the hoobae that he likes the most?

Byun pulled me closer to him, "This is Nam Sora," I smiled sweetly at the handsome guy in front of me, "my--"

I cut him off and said, "His make up artist and stylist."

"Oh! Annyeong haseyo," Kim Taehyung moved closer to give me a peck on the cheek.

"Annyeong haseyo," I mumbled. I noticed how Byun glares at me. Oh, baby. I thought you like this hoobae? Is he jealous? I moved away from Byun because I'm fucking liking this scene. "Ah," I fixed Taehyung's necktie because it's slightly loose. I am aware how shocked the both of them were, I grinned after and made some excuse, "Can't help it."

Taehyung chuckled, "I didn't know that you have a very pretty make up artist, hyung." His eyes were staring right into mine and as Nam Sora, I didn't back down. Who wouldn't want to stare at Kim Taehyung like this? To add the fact that I an a fucking sasaeng. I seriously love how he resembles Byun's features. Damn, he is so gorgeous I couldn't take my eyes off him. I could stare at him like this for the rest of my life.

"Don't let her hear it, she'll end up assuming that she is pretty when in fact you're just kidding, Taehyung-ah." I was brought back to reality when I heard Byun spoke. Fuck this shit, Byun Baekhyun.

Taehyung shook his head, "Hyung, this pretty lady doesn't deserve your words." Those were his last words before he excused himself. That poor young man. So lovely yet so broken--oops. Slipped my tongue.

I glared at Byun Baekhyun and saw him glaring back at me. I'm not pretty, huh? "Kim Taehyung sure has a very nice skin, huh. I feel like kidnapping him for tonight." I said as I glanced at Kim Taehyung's broad back but then returned my eyes at Byun, "You can go back to your dorm, I'm done with you."

Byun's small eyes widened and I wa so surprised with his words, "What the fuck, Nam Sora?"

Byun Baekhyun cursed and I fucking won, for sure.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now